Thursday, March 5, 2015

The cold never bothered me anyway


It's a 'quasi' snow day. 

My office is scheduled to be open- tentatively- at 3 pm.

It might still close. 

Now, this might be more thrilling if I wasn't scheduled until 8 pm tonight. 

I have never been good with things in limbo.

It rackets up my anxiety. 

I need a yes or no. 

Yes, there is work.

Or, no there is not. 

When I am not sure, I feel frozen. 

But I am not going to let that stop me from baking some cookies right now. 

Let's do this!

And pray that we stay closed. 

Because I really, really need this snow day to stay sane. 

Lori Ann

This isn't the best picture but the drive home was foggy and awesome yesterday. I have said it before but I will say it again...I LOVE IT HERE. It's so beautiful and every day I thank my Heavenly Father that this place is where I call home. 

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