8 am- left my apartment and disappeared into the fog. All that was missing was the icy hand of a murdered child creeping up behind me.

8:15- off to the BEST STORE IN THE UNIVERSE. The Christmas Tree shop. Holy Hannah- it's intense how exciting this shopping experience is.

9 am- got home and realized that my new tea lite centerpiece is in the shape of a pentagram. Interesting.

11 am-7:40 pm- Providing therapy and eating these wild cherry cough drops. (which I got at the Christmas Tree Shop!) Best. Medicine. Ever.

Also, I spent a good portion of time staring out the window. Can't leave that out.

And last, but not least, my FANCY dinner. A new table and a new centerpiece called for an epic meal. I had chicken and potatoes (because that's what I make every night) but it was on my fancy plates, and I made a salad and cheese danish for dessert!

Now..all that remains is a bubble bath, hot chocolate, and watching Twilight in bed. Have to get psyched for Breaking Dawn:)
Lori Ann