Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I want to take him down to China Town

I saw this quote on my friend's awesome blog today. Amazing. I'm going to get a print and hang it in my office.

Lori Ann

p.s. Am I the only one watching "New Girl" ? I love it!!
" And the wiggly one and the bear attack and the claws and the head and the one that figure skater do and the what's for lunch and the give me that hat."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You and I have a history

I've said it many times.. I hate when people put videos on their blog. I'm always like " I've got to watch some lame video". That being said, I feel strongly enough about this video to post it on my blog.

Because it's got the best possible combination of my two favorite things.

Glee and Adele

You won't regret the 3 minute investment of your time!

Lori Ann

Monday, November 14, 2011

any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored

the kids. Not relevant to this post, but I can't post without a picture:)

Over the last two days I have done almost nothing.

With the exception of about 2 hours of shopping (including travel time) and about 15 minutes of cleaning, I've spent the last 48 hours vegging out.

Watching Harry Potter. Taking bubble baths. Making grilled cheese. Trying to find an amazing and practically free couch on craigslist. Mixing ginger ale and cranberry juice. Playing trash talking scrabble on facebook with my same-age-as-me sister.

Probably sounds fairly similar to all of y'all's days off.

Back to the grind tomorrow...but good news...

Only a week and two days until I'm off for a nice 5 day Thanksgiving break!!

Lori Ann

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My day in pictures

8 am- left my apartment and disappeared into the fog. All that was missing was the icy hand of a murdered child creeping up behind me.
8:15- off to the BEST STORE IN THE UNIVERSE. The Christmas Tree shop. Holy Hannah- it's intense how exciting this shopping experience is.
9 am- got home and realized that my new tea lite centerpiece is in the shape of a pentagram. Interesting.
11 am-7:40 pm- Providing therapy and eating these wild cherry cough drops. (which I got at the Christmas Tree Shop!) Best. Medicine. Ever.
Also, I spent a good portion of time staring out the window. Can't leave that out.
And last, but not least, my FANCY dinner. A new table and a new centerpiece called for an epic meal. I had chicken and potatoes (because that's what I make every night) but it was on my fancy plates, and I made a salad and cheese danish for dessert!
Now..all that remains is a bubble bath, hot chocolate, and watching Twilight in bed. Have to get psyched for Breaking Dawn:)

Lori Ann

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cheap is the new black

30 minutes of rolling the table through the dark parking lot with a number of cars slowing down to stare at me and an awkward trek into the building, up the elevator, and through the door:

I owe it all to my mother for teaching me the art of the Dumpster Dive.

Thanks, Ma.

Lori Ann

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To dive or not to dive??


Right now I am in the middle of a quandary.

There is this fairly nice kitchen table that someone threw out at my complex.

I don't have a table.

So... is it worth rolling the table about 4 buildings over?
(it won't fit in my car, I already tried that)

And; on a completely unrelated side note, if you put a table on top of your car without bungee cords, will it stay on??

Lori Ann

Monday, November 7, 2011

I had the best day with you

Yesterday was a perfect day.

Honestly, it was the best day I've had in a long time. It wasn't very out of the ordinary. I decided to drive home for the day. I made my parents a fancy lunch. (croissants are fancy for us!) We just talked about our lives and it made me so happy.
I went driving through the PA countryside and it was beautiful and I felt surrounded by American history. Then later I drove through the back roads with my mom and brother and my mom was pretending to be our tour guide and it was making me laugh and I felt so happy.

Then I got to make one of the few dinners that I make well (ham and potato soup) for all of my favorite people (just missing Erin and Big J). And Elly wore the Darth Vador costume I found half off at CVS. And I don't know why but it made me so happy.
Right now, in this moment, there isn't anything I would change about my life. I am very blessed.

Lori Ann