Sunday, November 27, 2011

I didn't need that tab key anyway...

What do you get when you add one 3 1/2 year old niece... about two hours of unsupervised time with your iPhone??

You get one $150 dollar Hot Air Balloon ride purchased (unbeknownst to you until you check your account balance) on your Groupon app.

Oh, Katy Monroe... you are, as they say in spanish, "bien traviosa". I'm adding this one to the tally, girlfriend!


Aunt Lolee

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Addictive Properties of Crafting

Have you ever been peer pressured into doing something??




Or perhaps, much like my coworkers today, you have been pressured into crafts.

Yep. Today I pushed no less than 4 people into making m and m turkeys with me. As in "Oh, I see that you are working there, go ahead and put down the phone because I brought m and m's and pipe cleaners and you need to prioritize".

If only the druggies in high school had me working for them- people would have been getting high and decorating their book covers with glitter at the same time! A win-win. I bet they feel pretty stupid right now for never involving me in their misadventures, eh?

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!

Lori Ann

Monday, November 21, 2011

With birds I share this lonely view

I guess no Thanksgiving week would be complete without a list of things for which I am grateful. I am going to try and veer off of the "my family and health" path, with the understanding that I am EXTREMELY grateful for all of those things.

1. I am grateful for my job. The other day I was dreading going in to work and I smacked myself upside the head and reminded myself "Lor..all you have to do is listen to people...that's your job. It's not like you've got to go and get carts in the scorching heat, cater to ungrateful customers, or give 6 people showers." (all previous jobs of mine!)

2. I am grateful for my view. I finally get why people are so obsessed with views when buying a house. I lived in a shady apartment with an equally shady view of the parking lot for 3 years. Which is why I never lifted the blinds. Now I have beautiful views and it makes me happier than I could have imagined.

3. I am grateful for my upbringing. I feel like it was God's plan for me to grow up the way I did. It helped me develop empathy and understanding, which is essential for me in life and my career.

There is a lot more I could say. I am grateful its the holidays again. It's good for me to have a time to remember to give thanks and to have fun with my family. I miss my nieces and nephews especially. More than anything, I am grateful for them.

Lori Ann

Friday, November 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn: The Much Anticipated 3:20 AM review

I saw Breaking Dawn tonight.

And somewhere between the laughable wolf conversations, Jacob taking off his shirt literally 1 minute into the film, Bella's strange wedding dress choice, Rosalie stepping up to the plate, a vision of the future Renesme, and Emmett and Charlie giving the BEST WEDDING TOASTS EVER and a million other little things- I kind of fell in love with this one.

I think it's my favorite so far.

Go see it, gremlins!!

Lori Ann Lautnor
(It just sounds right, right?)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I want to take him down to China Town

I saw this quote on my friend's awesome blog today. Amazing. I'm going to get a print and hang it in my office.

Lori Ann

p.s. Am I the only one watching "New Girl" ? I love it!!
" And the wiggly one and the bear attack and the claws and the head and the one that figure skater do and the what's for lunch and the give me that hat."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You and I have a history

I've said it many times.. I hate when people put videos on their blog. I'm always like " I've got to watch some lame video". That being said, I feel strongly enough about this video to post it on my blog.

Because it's got the best possible combination of my two favorite things.

Glee and Adele

You won't regret the 3 minute investment of your time!

Lori Ann

Monday, November 14, 2011

any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored

the kids. Not relevant to this post, but I can't post without a picture:)

Over the last two days I have done almost nothing.

With the exception of about 2 hours of shopping (including travel time) and about 15 minutes of cleaning, I've spent the last 48 hours vegging out.

Watching Harry Potter. Taking bubble baths. Making grilled cheese. Trying to find an amazing and practically free couch on craigslist. Mixing ginger ale and cranberry juice. Playing trash talking scrabble on facebook with my same-age-as-me sister.

Probably sounds fairly similar to all of y'all's days off.

Back to the grind tomorrow...but good news...

Only a week and two days until I'm off for a nice 5 day Thanksgiving break!!

Lori Ann