Friday, November 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn: The Much Anticipated 3:20 AM review

I saw Breaking Dawn tonight.

And somewhere between the laughable wolf conversations, Jacob taking off his shirt literally 1 minute into the film, Bella's strange wedding dress choice, Rosalie stepping up to the plate, a vision of the future Renesme, and Emmett and Charlie giving the BEST WEDDING TOASTS EVER and a million other little things- I kind of fell in love with this one.

I think it's my favorite so far.

Go see it, gremlins!!

Lori Ann Lautnor
(It just sounds right, right?)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I wasn't super excited about this and, true story, I was only planning to go because my husband threatened to go without me and I don't want him to look like a weirdo and I was worried some Twi-Moms might hit on him) until... I read your glowing review! Now I am stoked!
