So, I know that you are all burning up with curiousity to hear more about my job. It's kind of glamorous, yo.
I listen to people. That's my job.
I love it. I really do. But some days, 6-8 hours of LISTENING can make you feel a little crazy. But, luckily for me, my day is usually broken up with one or two diagnostic assessments.
It's where I assess people and diagnose them. Yep. I've given out every diagnosis from PTSD to kleptomania.
Anyway, the reason I just took five minutes of your life to get to mentioning these assessments is because they have been making me laugh so hard lately. Or actually one section has been making me laugh- the cultural questions.
In the South, our assessments didn't ask any cultural questions. That's not how we roll in the South.
Yankees do things a little bit different.
Here the assessments ask people to identify how they define their gender (male, female, transgender, other), how they define their race/ethnicity, how they define their sexuality (heterosexual, gay/lesbian, bi, other), and how they define their religious view (Christian, Jewish, etc, etc-its got like 12 things listed)
In all the assessments I have done (probably 50+) NO ONE can answer these questions like an adult. Everyone reverts to their 13 year old self. At least for the sexuality question. I have gotten the following responses when I asked "How do you define your sexuality?"
What do you think?
Strictly dickly
I'm going to give you one guess.
The one where I like boys
and a lot of people just laugh.
Anyway, it's sad the things that keep me entertained at work.
Lori Ann