Friday, January 28, 2011

You can Google it.

I know probably everyone has googled their name.

 I have.

 It takes me to "Lori's Shoes" in Hinsdale, Illinois
 (that's a fun fact about me. I served in Hinsdale Illinois, though we never went there because there were no Hispanic people living there)

Anyway, I took it a step farther and GOOGLE IMAGED my name. 

These are my favorite images of what turned up. 

So, Google has an image of me as a Revenge seeking monster,  putting on lipstick with a zombie filming, all the while chilling with some cute African American boys.

How did they get into my head?

 That is my life story!!
(minus the monster, putting on lipstick, zombie,hanging out with cute boys part)

Lori Ann

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Go on, take the chicken and run!

Intern number 3 and I left this note on the desk of Intern number 2.

 She doesn't know it yet, but she is supposed to help us release a chicken into the wild.
 (one of my life goals)

I know what you are thinking.."boy, those interns are lucky!

My supervisor never left me vaguely threatening letters" 

Lori Ann

p.s.- Laura (aka Intern number 2)- if anyone tells you that I said "if we get caught, lets run and let Laura take the fall" that is completely false. I promise:) 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random Thoughts Wednesday, because it feels like a Thursday

I love my nieces and nephews.

 And I've got the cheap craft projects to prove it! 

I am obsessed with taking pictures of cool looking light. Like this. 

My sister Erin is probably going to get her LCSW! 

After spending my life following in the footsteps of both of my older sisters, its weird (but awesome) to have one of them follow in mine.

 Go, Eri! 

The trenches await you!! 

I now have three Hispanic clients I provide outpatient therapy too.

 I have a hard enough time providing therapy in English.

 Good thing all I ever really say is "How do you feel about that?

 Como se siente acerca de esto?"

Lori Ann

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When a boy comes over, you should always have something baking

So, yeah I'm sure you've heard all the chatter and buzz about what a great cook I am becoming.

I'm probably totally going to take over for Martha when she retires. 

Anyway, tonight I am going to be sharing some of the magic with you!

Prepare to learn how to make potato and ham soup in four easy steps!!
Step one: cut up ham and potatoes.

 Don't forget the running commentary to your imaginary audience as you dice your soup ingredients.
Step 2: For the first time in my entire life, I voluntarily added onion to something.

 Boo yah!
 (The actual step is to chop some onions)
Step 3:  Additional ingredients include: cheese, milk, flour, salt and pepper to taste..and there is more to this step, but I forget.

Saute something, bring something to a boil, blah blah,blah
Step 4: Enjoy some home cooked goodness! Relish in your culinary superiority.

 Following dinner send daily anonymous email to Martha. 

Make this one vaguely threatening in nature.

Lori Ann

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How I love thy company

I shall forget,to have thee still stand there
Remembering how I love thy company  

And I'll still stay, to have thee still forget, 
 Forgetting any other home but this.

This is my favorite quote about love.

It's from the  balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet. favorite quote for my favorite people.

See you soon!

Aunt Lori

p.s.- I cant forget the other loves of my life (my other niece and nephew!)
Pumpkin and Buster 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Now, lets everyone just calm down..

Today, at Walmart.. (isn't this how all the really good stories start?)

I impulse purchased a cricut.

Yeah, this thing.

I felt a rush of adrenaline after I put it in my cart.

This thing is the holy grail of crafting. 

It's the kitchen aide mixer of crafting apparatuses. 

I am living the dream now, baby! 

Lori Ann