Friday, January 21, 2011

Love..true love, is what brings us together today

I am tarting up my apartment; even my life in general, for Valentines Day.

 It's pretty much the most important mid February celebration, after all.

 Let's show it some respect, people!
I had to add this one.

 I was up until 3 am making it.

Yay for late night craft projects!
I am the opposite of most people.

 I "spring clean" in the depths of winter.

 And redecorate.

With this..isn't it awesome?
My Valentines Day inspired table runner. 
Chicken Cordon Bleu and shrimp. 

I ate about 4 shrimp when I realized that I had made WAY too many.

 Shrimp party at my house, anyone?

Lori Ann

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who

You know how most people don't really know you?

I mean, everyone has family and even a few friends who know them, but the majority of people you interact with will never really see beyond the facade.

With that in mind, I have decided to reveal 10 things you would NEVER know about me if I wasn't about to tell you right now.

Let's do this thing!!

10. In my almost three years of working in people's homes, I have never used their bathrooms.

 It doesn't matter if I am out for 2 hours or 10, I have trained myself not to have to go until I get home. 
(and its not a germ thing..I always think about how I feel when people ask to use my bathroom..which is never clean)

9. I was at Times Square for New Years Eve 2000.

8. I've seen hundreds of people naked.

 I've even chased naked people down the hallway!

7. I am weirdly fascinated by infection.

 When my finger was infected, I took pictures of it to send to my mom. 

6. I sleep in my recliner.

 I inherited my sister and brother in law's mattress when they upgraded and it is as hard as a rock.

5. I can't take certain adult responsibilities seriously.

 Like having interns.

 I just see them as new sidekicks, with whom I can plan crazy pranks and craft projects.

4.  I like drinking out of fancy cups.

 It makes me feel like I am living a little dangerously. :)

3. I love blinking Christmas lights.

 It makes me feel safe and like the world is still a safe and magical place.

2. I feel like the worst thing about being single is having to scrape the snow off of my own car.

1. I am still obsessed with Harry Potter

. I just don't talk about it anymore, because I don't want people to know I'm still obsessed (after 2 1/2 years) and judge me for it! 

Lori Ann

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You are to refrain from any any acts of violence including verbal assault and vulgar hand gestures.

There are a lot of things I could talk about today.

 My crazy new intern.

 Office politics.

 My two days off caffeine before I fell off the wagon again.

 How I am getting the iPhone next month. 

However, I will leave you in suspense and simply give you a few glimpses into the G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S. life of Lori!
This is the "snow storm" that shut the South down for literally a week. 
This is my new favorite scent from Bath and Body Works!
I will be seeing this little muffin baby soon, when she comes to my house for her 'birthday tour'!

Lori Ann

Monday, January 17, 2011

No matter what she tells you..she was NOT born in the wagon of a travelling show!


 It's my Mother!

Though she may appear deceptively cute and sweet, beware!

Her favorite shows are about murder, she's angry because she is short and can't reach things, and she once told me "the rules are different for moms"


My mom is the most charismatic person I have ever met.

 She is charming and kind and funny.

She makes people feel both cared about and empowered.

 Whenever I introduce her to someone new, I still get that little kid feeling, like "do you see? It's my mom! I told you that she was cool!" 

Ma, thanks for everything. 

Happy Birthday

Your favorite child and baby,

Lori Ann

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Well in body, though considerably rumpled in spirit

You know, if there is one thing that this blog is missing, it's more of my opinions.

Many of you may be paralyzed by indecision in your every day lives, wondering "What would Lori think about this?"

Well, prepare to be liberated my little pork are about to experience


Here we go...

1 The Economy: I wish the government ran their finances like I did.

Then things would be great in this country.

 Because we'd spend all of our money on pointless craft projects and wonder exactly what this whole 'retirement planning' crap is even really about.

2. Rap Music: It degrades women and glamorizes violence, drugs, and an irresponsible life style.

 And let me assure you of will NEVER catch me listening to Snoop or Eminem in my Ford Focus, singing along, feeling really bad ass.


That's not me, so just keep driving, ok?


3. The Jersey Shore craze: Listen, I lived on the REAL Jersey shore for 5 years.

 The over priced car insurance, no self serve gas, dead hermit shell crabs, and dirty bay water.

 And the obnoxious french Canadian  tourists.

When will these things be featured on the show?

 There was only one hot tub in the Villas (the town I lived in) and it belonged to my Chemistry teacher.

 One night he found some random man in it. 

4. Gay Marriage: I support marriage of all kinds.

 Mainly because my favorite form of entertainment is wedding related reality TV.

Cakes, dresses, and wedding planning.

 All of it.

 So, whatever we have to do to create twice as much of that programming, I have to get behind it.

 In an ideal world, I think any two people should be able to get together in some kind of union.

 And NO, I am not just saying this because I'd like to get my hands on my cousin, Gregory Francis. 

Wow..we've covered a lot of ground here.

 Next weeks topics will include: tupperware, pretentious facebook status updates, war, and therapy for pets. 

You're Welcome.

Lori Ann

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more

The parking lot next to my drivers side door- don't be fooled, it's not's pure ice

Ice is my winter nemesis.
 (and it's twin is humidity- my summer nemesis)

 11 years ago today (I think), I fell on the ice on my way to work
It was 330 am in Rexburg Idaho.

I broke my leg in two places. 
I can still hear the sound of the bones breaking (it sounded like a pencil snapping) in my head.

Now, I have a complete fear of ice.

Which just about matches my apartment complex's complete apathy concerning ice removal.

And so the games versus the ice

(Don't tell anyone, but my money's on the ice!)

Lori Ann

Friday, January 14, 2011

How convenient for you..and the clock

Ok, people.

 It's Friday night.

After talking myself out of going to bed at 8 pm, I decided to spice up my night by watching the entire second season of Say Yes to the Dress on netflix.

Yeah, I guess I am kind of a party animal.

Anyway, I spent most of my day in


This is the therapeutic technique that employs a lot of reflective listening, etc..

It sounds something like this:

 client  "I don't want to be in therapy, you can't help me"

Me: "It sounds to me like you feel alone in what you are going through, and you are wondering if therapy will be able to help you"

Pretty sweet, right?

Be on the look out for me to utilize this technique on you at


Lori Ann