Random Saturday Night Life Updates
For the last 3 days I have been off from work.
So my new job has been to eat like there is no tomorrow.
I tried to get back on track today but the Captain Crunch knows where I am. It knows my name. You guys...it knows my name.
T-minus 120 days until my half marathon.
I really, really would like NOT to be the last one done.
My pink sneakers! |
I walked 7 miles today.
Probably the farthest I've walked in my life at one time.
Unless you count the mission. Who the heck knows how far I walked then. (and in church shoes, no less!)
I think I am driving my family crazy with my training.
I like to get my walk (and/or run) in and then I LOVE to complain about how I feel like I've been hit by a bus for the rest of the day.
So to spare my family further suffering, I decided to go to my office and I was going to pull EVERY single one of my client's files (all 103 of them) and update things and make notes about what I needed to do for them.
I was in my office for three hours and I did the following:
Decorated for Christmas.
Watched an entire movie on Youtube.
Emailed my new BFF Michele. Like 19 times.
Fell asleep listening to sad Christmas music.
Which led to...
Coming home and watching several riveting episodes of Extreme Couponing.
Because I focus on what's important, people. There's probably a lot you could learn from me.
So then...
My sister Erin calls me and tells me that what she really wants to do when she comes home is see me dress up like a bear, scare my dad, and then possibly die jumping off the back porch in the middle of the night.
I told her that I will follow her Christmas to-do list as long as it doesn't involve me dying.
I don't think that's too much to ask.
And finally...
I recognize that my new blog banner looks like Christmas threw up all over it. I have no power to edit.
I did resist the urge to photoshop a santa hat onto Sugar.
This could be the most random random update ever. It definitely ranks among the least coherent and most boring.
Lori Ann
p.s.- I am starting a temporary blog to track my marathon training progress and blog about health crap. So that I can reserve this blog for important stuff. Like my love of glitter. And my fights with my cat. And how captain crunch should be part of every one's marathon journey.
Look for it to be linked here tomorrow:)