Monday, June 13, 2011

Come as you are...

Blue sky jello I made with the kids. After we ate it, we danced to Nirvana and forgot about all of our cares for a while.

You know how they say that you never forget how to ride a bike?

Or how some people; who are dancers or artists or whatever, can come back to their craft, even after a long absence?

That has been my experience over the last week.

After 3 years of working almost every single day I have slid back into unemployment with the ease of someone who never left.

My mom made me get in the shower at noon today. I tried to explain to her that if I was in the shower, that there would be no one to watch "say yes to the dress" and "48 hours mystery".


I have also slid easily back into my pattern of showing my mom every cut and scratch, asking my dad to move stuff for me and to fix my car, having my sister Danielle french braid my hair and organize my life.

It's nice to be the family baby again.

Baby Lori


  1. you should ask JR if the have any openings where he works. you guys could carpool to work and take lunch breaks together

  2. Personally, I think you should move to South Jersey, only accept patients from the Villas, and room with your namesake. Can you imagine the stories you could tell? It would be reality TV worthy.
