Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Thoughts: The week before the 4th of July edition

I have been off caffeine for almost 8 days.

I have been off sugar for 13 minutes.

I have been in Pennsylvania for 3 weeks.

I have been 1000 times happier.

I have only missed the peace and sweet, blessed quiet of having my own apartment a few times. Like 100 times:)

I feel like there are so many good things that are coming. It's almost July. Which makes it almost August. Which is only one month away from FALL IN PENNSYLVANIA.

Fall in Pennsylvania is my definition of heaven. Every day, every moment is magical to me. I've dreamed about it for three long years.

Lori Ann


  1. I love that you are where you want to be! I wish I could come visit. I woke up determined to have one week without sugar. I have set this goal so many times in my life and I've yet to accomplish it. Ever! I hope you have better luck. Good job on the no caffeine!

  2. Lori, You are doing so well. My sisters are kicking my butt!

  3. Ooooooh maybe I should come and visit PA in the falltime! I love that area in the autumn!
