Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany

Oh my gosh, people.

I have sunk to a new low.

As many of you do not know, I don't have cable. 

Trust me, this is for the best. 

I already spend about 11 hours a day on the Internet and staring out into space mindlessly.

Cable would be the ruin of me.

However, I am DYING.

Yes, probably literally dying, because I cannot watch Glee

I know its on Hulu the next day, but that is not soon enough for me.

Which brings us to the new low I haven sunken to.

I just spent the last hour reading people's twitter feeds to determine what was happening in the episode.

Oh the shame.

How has it come to this? 

And talk about an exercise in frustration!

Remember when TVs were older and you sometimes got channels, but they were fuzzy, so you smacked the TV to get them to come in better?

That is what it feels like to "watch" a TV episode via Twitter.

 You think you know what's happening, but you can't be absolutely sure.

So, to all my favorite Glee peeps, I am excited/sad/angry/happy/confused about what happened on tonight's show! 

And I guess I'll be watching it on Hulu tomorrow:)

Lori Ann

p.s.- I made pork chops for the first time in my life tonight!

 Oh Snap!
 (that's my new phrase. A lot of people were using it on their twitter feeds..oh snap!)

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Post a Decade in the Making!

Exactly one decade ago today, I entered the MTC.

This is what I wrote in my journal that night.
(you have to click on it)

I had no idea what was in store for me.

 The craziest, longest, shortest, funniest, most tedious, back breaking, testimony building, painful, joyful, terrible, wonderful 18 months of my life. 

Which brings me to YET another new feature on my blog:


Every once in a while- between antiquing, obsessing about Glee, and plots for world domination, I will be posting passages from my mission journal. 

Because, y'all..it does not get more dramatic than this journal. 

 The mission brings out your crazy.

 And this journal is a tribute to that. 

I dedicate this post to the people of the Illinois, Chicago mission.

Thank you for converting me. 

Hermana Hinsdale

Sunday, February 6, 2011

To Elizabeth Mae, on the Occasion of her 5th Birthday

It's a day early, but since she announced to me that she is "ALREADY 5" I doubt that my niece Elly will mind her blog tribute being a little early.

I have never met anyone like Elly

. And that is after about 10 years working with dementia, schizophrenia, and every Axis 1 mental health diagnosis known to man.

No, Elly is a whole different kind of crazy.

She loves animals and bossing her siblings.

She says the funniest things but demands that we take her seriously.

 She thinks she is a princess, but is the first to jump into the mud.

She dresses half princess, half grandma.

 She believes in aliens and makes crazy wishes

 She bakes for the people she loves.

She is a miracle and I can't imagine my life without her.

Check out 69 seconds of the Elly magic for yourself! 
(aka see the video below)

Aunt Lori

Saturday, February 5, 2011

On Wednesdays we wear pink

 So, click play and read on!*

 How to have a GLAMOROUS night on the Town!

STEP ONE: Wake up from your afternoon nap, slugs!

STEP TWO: Get all of your friends together

STEP THREE: Hit all the local hot spots!
STEP FOUR: Eat dinner at a quiet yet trendy local spot. Somewhere classy and romantic.

STEP FIVE: If your significant other or friends who are boys aren't available, make it a GNO- Girls Night Out (sweater ponchos are optional) (nudity is frowned upon)

Well, I hope we can all leave this blog post a little classier, a little more informed, and; more than anything else, a little more jealous of my glamorous life. 

Lori Ann

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's eating my yarn

This blog has been interrupted by the arrival of four wild and crazy babies!! 
(this is the one that scares me the most!)

Lori Ann

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I like to see a man of advancing years throwing caution to the wind. It's inspiring in a way.

My new blog feature has been put on hold so that we can stop and recognize the 13th most important holiday in my life. 

Groundhogs Day.

I wanted to put up a cute pic of a ground hog and maybe a funny Groundhogs Day movie quote, but my friend Laura (aka Intern # 2) wrote some stream of conscious poetry and DEMANDED that I put it on my blog. 

Let's do this thing!!

Ground Hog, Ground Hog
Running so sweetly
Oh how I would love to
Utilize your
No...Ground Hog! Don't run away-run to me
Don't die on me

Heal, Help, Hallelujah
Oh, you're dead
Go to heaven, Ground Hog

So moving.
 I feel as though you have encapsulated all that the groundhog was, is,and will be.

 It's breath taking.

 Thank you, Laura.
 (for your poetry, your attendance at various midnight Catholic celebrations, your willingness to sacrifice a family pet, etc)

And now..tomorrow..we are going to talk about THIS

It cost me 3 dollars to make.

 And may be the crappiest wreath known to man.

 Brace yourself, we are diving head first into some dollar store crafting tomorrow!

Lori Ann

Walk Like an Egyptian: Random Thoughts Wednesday

I can never seem to do my random thoughts on Thursday..sorry, Allison!!

Ok, let's do this thing.

I am super excited to start my new blog feature.
 I chose that name because it kind of annoys me. And one of my commandments this year is to "embrace my annoyances"

Go Egypt!

 Its a sad commentary on my knowledge of global politics that I had no idea what was going on over there.

I know I need to be better informed about our world, but I have no idea where to start.

I have a new life ambition to get into Mensa.
 (I hear you laughing!)

Now I can't get that "Fancy, don't let me down" song out of my mind!

This is why I didn't want that name!

My new favorite song lyrics for this week are "There are many things I would like to say to you, but I don't know how" from Oasis and "I won't give up, if you don't give up" by Train.

I choose new lyrics every week to obsess over.

Ok, I won't name names, but a certain beloved LDS blogger put a new picture of herself on her blog this week and it was unsettling.

 Her hair was curled and feathered back.

 Can someone please tell me when the eighties came back? 

If the eighties really are back, this makes my mother the most fashionable person I know

 And; according to my calculations, that means the END IS NEAR, PEOPLE! 

Off to finish rereading Half Blood Prince (skipping over Dumbledore's death, as usual) and then off to bed.

Lori Ann