Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Walk Like an Egyptian: Random Thoughts Wednesday

I can never seem to do my random thoughts on Thursday..sorry, Allison!!

Ok, let's do this thing.

I am super excited to start my new blog feature.
 I chose that name because it kind of annoys me. And one of my commandments this year is to "embrace my annoyances"

Go Egypt!

 Its a sad commentary on my knowledge of global politics that I had no idea what was going on over there.

I know I need to be better informed about our world, but I have no idea where to start.

I have a new life ambition to get into Mensa.
 (I hear you laughing!)

Now I can't get that "Fancy, don't let me down" song out of my mind!

This is why I didn't want that name!

My new favorite song lyrics for this week are "There are many things I would like to say to you, but I don't know how" from Oasis and "I won't give up, if you don't give up" by Train.

I choose new lyrics every week to obsess over.

Ok, I won't name names, but a certain beloved LDS blogger put a new picture of herself on her blog this week and it was unsettling.

 Her hair was curled and feathered back.

 Can someone please tell me when the eighties came back? 

If the eighties really are back, this makes my mother the most fashionable person I know

 And; according to my calculations, that means the END IS NEAR, PEOPLE! 

Off to finish rereading Half Blood Prince (skipping over Dumbledore's death, as usual) and then off to bed.

Lori Ann

1 comment:

  1. I forgive you :) I think RTT is coming to an end, anyway. It's not as fun anymore for me, which probably means it's time to move on.

    Two things about this post: 1) CJane looks like what's-her-name from 30 Rock. You know, the blonde one. Unsettling, yes. 2) Darn you! I haven't had Reba in my head since high school, and now you do this to me! How do I make it stop?
