Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany

Oh my gosh, people.

I have sunk to a new low.

As many of you do not know, I don't have cable. 

Trust me, this is for the best. 

I already spend about 11 hours a day on the Internet and staring out into space mindlessly.

Cable would be the ruin of me.

However, I am DYING.

Yes, probably literally dying, because I cannot watch Glee

I know its on Hulu the next day, but that is not soon enough for me.

Which brings us to the new low I haven sunken to.

I just spent the last hour reading people's twitter feeds to determine what was happening in the episode.

Oh the shame.

How has it come to this? 

And talk about an exercise in frustration!

Remember when TVs were older and you sometimes got channels, but they were fuzzy, so you smacked the TV to get them to come in better?

That is what it feels like to "watch" a TV episode via Twitter.

 You think you know what's happening, but you can't be absolutely sure.

So, to all my favorite Glee peeps, I am excited/sad/angry/happy/confused about what happened on tonight's show! 

And I guess I'll be watching it on Hulu tomorrow:)

Lori Ann

p.s.- I made pork chops for the first time in my life tonight!

 Oh Snap!
 (that's my new phrase. A lot of people were using it on their twitter feeds..oh snap!)


  1. Now that I have high speed internet, I have purposely been avoiding actual televised Glee. Instead, I live happy in the knowledge that I can watch it any time I want on Hulu. Of course, I'm also not watching vicariously through Twitter updates, so I can handle waiting. Chris is out of town tonight, and I've planned a fabulous Glee extravaganza for myself. This extravaganza consists of children locked in their bedroom (or at least threatened within an inch of their lives if they come out, since their door has no lock), a big bowl of Fudge Tracks ice cream, and me at the computer. Good times.

    P.S. I finished Mockingjay yesterday. I'll let you know what I thought about the whole series soon!

  2. I just had to let you know that when I first read this post Andrew was watching Anchor Man- true story.

  3. Oh, and last week they showed the Rocky Horror Glee episode. I kind of don't like Mr. S anymore- he is too sulky right now.

  4. I don't like him either, Jess. He is completely moody. Wait until you get later in the season, it gets more dramatic and insane. I LOVE Anchorman. My favorite part is the fight between all the stations:)
