Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Watching the tide roll away

I am not a super proactive job hunter.

I kinda always have this feeling that someone is just going to go ahead and find me and say "Listen, we want to pay you about 100,000 a year. Just to be you. Maybe do some crafting, come to office parties, etc"

So, I hold off on the job search, waiting for that to happen.

Which it never does. point is, after 6 weeks of vacation and apathetic job searching, I thought I had found one great job and I was all set to move to Chester County.

But now I've got 2 more job offers closer to home and one with significantly better pay.

I don't know what to do with three job offers.


I've never really been in a situation like this before.

Do I go for the great money, the dream location, or the best job description??

Lori Ann

Monday, July 25, 2011

I know your fears and you know mine, cocoa pebbles

Rolad Amundsen said "Adventure is just bad planning".

I think he may have been talking about our trip into Amish country today.

The Amish markets were closed.

We got lost a..few...times.

The kids may or may not have been chanting "We are hungry" for about 20 minutes due to lack of snack planning.

We drove a long way to see relatively little.

But it was an adventure.

The kids were given lollipops by a sweet little Amish girl.

We found the land of Roni.

We saw so many amazing old stone houses and Amish farms.

We traveled down narrow roads and over rickety bridges.

I fell in love with Pennsylvania all over again.

Today was an adventure for me because I got to take the people that I love the most to the place that I love the most.

It doesn't get much better than that.

Lori Ann

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I ain't got seventy days

I'm not a major Amy Winehouse fan. I do love all of her better known works though. 27 is too young to die.

This is a video of her most popular song "rehab" done on Glee. It makes me want to learn both to song write and to dance. Thanks for inspiring me, Amy.

Jeg sørger med deg, Norge.

It's been a weird weekend, eh?

Lori Ann

Friday, July 22, 2011

Where my music's playing

Today I got a great job in the place I've wanted to live for like 8 years.

Chester County, PA.

It's just south of Philadelphia, fairly close to the Maryland and Delaware borders.

And it's Amish country, y'all.

This is it.

The Place.

It is so unbelievably beautiful there.

It will be a month or two before I move. I've got to focus on my new job and apartment shopping. I would love to get something vintage-y with hard wood floors and a fireplace. We'll see what happens.

I think I could be happy there living in a box.

Lori Ann

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I have got no service in the club, you see..

I am in love with Chris Powell (from Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition). IN LOVE, people. I heard he is married. Anyone know any good home wrecking skills?

I am so tired of hearing about the debt ceiling. I get it. It's important. But I swear, politicians just talk and talk and talk. They need to get my brother in law in there. He'll be calling China, telling them to bring the treats to the next international meeting. We will be out of debt in no time! *I mean this as a compliment, Jackie. You know your cheapness inspires me!*

Some crazy girls brought me flowers today! I am now accepting flowers from all people- there will be no limitations made based on gender, ethnicity, or political leaning. (although your nationality could be held against you. And no, I'm not talking about Canada again. Ok, yes I am)

I got an iPod shuffle just for my workout music. So I can walk and dream about my life with Chris Powell.

My dad bought me sneakers today. Going shoe shopping with my dad is kind of a religious experience. It's an emotional journey, at the very least. I think he was again shamed by me when I told the sales girl I might bedazzle the white sneakers he got me.

Ok, so don't forget- homewrecking secrets needed, ASAP!

Lori Ann

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Go round and round and round...

I am listening to "the Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell. It reminds me of my childhood so much. It means so much more now than it did then. Especially as I look at a picture of my mom and the new family baby.

I had the best day with you today, Katherine.

I couldn't have passed the torch to a more beautiful and brilliant little girl.


Aunt Lori

Monday, July 18, 2011

When the student is ready, the master appears...

The combination of my mom's "Dreams Come True" yard sale and epic Lemonade stand (where; yes, more cookies were eaten by my dad than sold), along with receiving free makeup and watching too many episodes of "extreme couponing", and I have officially become obsessed with free/discounted stuff.

This week my goal is to find, clip, and start a coupon organizer and to get something awesome free...wish me luck!!!

Lori Ann