I am not a super proactive job hunter.
I kinda always have this feeling that someone is just going to go ahead and find me and say "Listen, we want to pay you about 100,000 a year. Just to be you. Maybe do some crafting, come to office parties, etc"
So, I hold off on the job search, waiting for that to happen.
Which it never does.
So...my point is, after 6 weeks of vacation and apathetic job searching, I thought I had found one great job and I was all set to move to Chester County.
But now I've got 2 more job offers closer to home and one with significantly better pay.
I don't know what to do with three job offers.
I've never really been in a situation like this before.
Do I go for the great money, the dream location, or the best job description??
Lori Ann