Thursday, October 23, 2014

To keep her warm

Life has been nuts lately.
I am dog and house sitting.
Which has been fun and yet tiring.
I don't know how dog owners and mothers do it.
I feel so guilty every minute that I am away, thinking of them waiting for someone to come home and then I can get frustrated that they literally follow me from room to room.
And stand outside the bathroom, crying, when I am in there for a minute.
It's kind of a two sided thing because I love their affection and happiness and they are legit the cutest dogs on earth.
But I do admire the self entertainment qualities of a cat :)
 This is my Gabbie girl.
 She frequently pushes the Teddy bear out of the picture.
 She is my show pony and would like all the attention if possible.
 I started counting how many pictures I have taken on my drive to and from work every day.
 And I think I have taken about 300.
 Because fall is so magical.
 I wish it never had to end.
This week was the last day of this session of teen group. (don't worry- we'll start again in two weeks!) and one of my group members brought her One Direction dolls.
I told them that shirt and shoes are required in group.
But they didn't respond.
Which makes me wonder what is motivating this defiant, passive behavior.
And if they struggle to see their value beyond their physical appearance.
We'll explore that at length in the next teen group.
I am still in pumpkin carving mania.
Halloween is right around the corner.
My nieces have told me that they are going to be Bloody Mary (Elly) and the Devil (Katy).
I was hoping for a princess and an angel but I guess these Halloween ideas save money- Katy won't even need a costume :)
Work continues to be stressful.
I sometimes just get in these places where, no matter what I do, I can't get ahead.
I come in early to catch up and leave that day as far behind as I started.
For every evaluation I complete, there is another one being sent to my office.
I really need to kick my 'marry wealthy and lounge around' life plan into action.
Happy Fall, people!
Lori Ann

Monday, October 20, 2014

Only every other memory

Sister Simmons and Sister Wilko
So, here is the much anticipated story from my crazy night with the sister missionaries in Kutztown!!!

This story begins as all great stories do...with a talkative Hispanic man who gives me chocolate.

This Saturday afternoon I was actually helping translate for our sisters here in Milford (which I've been doing weekly) for a man they are teaching named Paco.

I love Paco.

He is incredibly smart and kind.

He gives me chocolate.
He's very talkative.


So, that appointment went over and I was running late to meet up with the Kutztown sisters.

The reason I was going to meet with them was because one of my favorite sisters, Sister Simmons, had been transferred there and I had told her that we should meet up.

(NMT- Non-Mormon Translation)- "Transfers" are when you are sent from one part of the mission to another- the way a mission works is that you are "called" to a certain area- the mission I live in is the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Mission.

I served my mission in the Illinois, Chicago Mission.

My sister Danielle served in the Canada, Montreal Mission.

My brother Jr served in the Nevada, Las Vegas Mission.

So, all of the missionaries you see on my blog were called here to Philadelphia.

But you don't just serve in the city. (in fact, most sister missionaries never get to serve in the city due to it being more dangerous)

So, you don't know the towns you will be working in until you get there- and then you are usually moved around the mission a few times- anything from twice (like me) to 10 times (like my brother) 

Anyway, so I was going to visit Sister Simmons and meet her new companion, Sister Wilko.

In her new area of Kutztown.
I ended up in a town that was 30 miles from them.

My GPS had taken me to Hellertown, which I thought was probably just another name for their town..or something like that.

But it was actually completely the wrong way.

So, I arrived AT THE WRONG PLACE already 15 minutes late.

I called them and explained I would be like an hour late once I realized that I was in completely the wrong place.

They were very kind and ran to do things while I drove 40 minutes to get to where they REALLY live.

I got there and we headed for what they described as "the world's shadiest red robin".

I put "Red Robin" into my trusty GPS and it took us there...and by "there" I mean Red Robin road.

So, now it's 630.

We were supposed to eat dinner at 5 pm.

I then put in Red Robin Restaurant and it took us to the nearest one.

It just happened to be out of their area.
(You aren't supposed to leave your area on the mission)

And the wait was 30 minutes and it was almost 7 pm and they had to be at a meeting by 8 pm.

We somehow ended up on the highway and I was doing crazy U-turns and we were driving up and down the main street of their area, looking for this alleged shady Red Robin.

We didn't find it, even though they'd seen it many times before.

We ended up at this barbecue place- which was really good. (I got the waffle fries- amazing!)

And, as we were racing through our dinner they spotted, going into the cold stone creamery next door, a less active sister from their ward. (NMT- "less active"=someone who has not been coming out to church).

They had been trying to reach her and hadn't had any luck.

They raced over to talk to her and I packed up all of our stuff.

As we pulled out of the parking lot a few minutes later, we took a left and there was the Red Robin.

It turned out that it was the corporate head quarters- so we couldn't have eaten there- but we found it kind of amazing that we hadn't seen it until this moment.

It is so cool to see the hand of God in our lives- even when it just seems like a crazy night full of mistakes and not at all what we had planned.

It might seem like just an odd coincidence but I honestly believe God put us at that barbecue restaurant 2 hours after our scheduled dinner time for a reason.

For the sisters to get a chance to reach out and talk to this sister from their ward.

I'm not saying that this sister will suddenly become so active and strong- it's actually likely that nothing will change.

But you never know.

I've seen major changes in a life from a seemingly small, inconsequential moment.

Like when Brother Johnson asked me to speak about my mission experience, which led me to read my mission journal, which led to me getting involved with the missionary work in our branch.

And to add to the strange twists in all of this, the sisters are now teaching one of my cousins.

Who has invited me to come up and be there the next time the sisters come to her house.

It was a long, crazy night.

Kutztown is beautiful.

The sister missionaries are inspiring.

And God is guiding our lives.

I see it so clearly when I am blessed to help them in some way.

Lori Ann

The sky on my way to work today.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The apple trees on fire

Another Sunday Afternoon Random Picture Post\'s about to get real in here. 

("real" is code for 'mostly boring as you don't know these people and are not emotionally invested in listening to their stories")

 I am still working with the missionaries.

 This is one of the sisters helping one of the guys they are teaching during wednesday night Book of Mormon study. 

 Speaking of missionaries- I was trying to make a really cool pumpkin for the sisters in my branch and it collapsed in on itself!

 My first official pumpkin carving failure of the season. 

God willing, it won't be my last. 

 So, you know I love my Sugar cookie

 But THIS is how she looks at me when I come home.

 Like "Who are you and why are you taking my picture AGAIN?" 

 I've been house (and dog) sitting for my friend Michele and her dogs greet me like I am the Queen of England.

 What this whole experience with dogs has taught me is that Sugar needs to work harder to impress me.

 I can replace her with a squash or a hamster just like that (snaps fingers)

 Speaking of odd cats (as this blog does all too often)- The Hobs has been living at both houses.

 Ours and my sisters.

 And napping in potted plant holders. 

 A church selfie!!

 Because I'm focused on drawing closer to God and all of that.

 (not pictured: my Sunday school class literally running wild in the field next to me)

 I got to go up to Kutztown to see one of our sisters (Sister Simmons) who was transferred out the of the area.

 Can I just start by saying this is the weirdest picture of myself I have ever seen?

 My face shape is so odd here...I don't get it. 

But ANYWAY- we had the wildest night ever.

 I am going to dedicate a whole post to it...but a little preview would be that you can't trust your GPS,

 God is always directing us towards barbecue for dinner, and sometimes you accidentally end up on the highway. 

 Speaking of Kutztown- it was BEAUTIFUL.

 Quintessential  PA in fall beautiful. 

 Speaking of beauty- here is my brother with purple hair. 

He's getting edgier as he heads towards 40 :) 

I have been at Penn Foundation for two years now. 

The building itself sent me a card to celebrate. 

So, this update was very random. 

There are a lot of odd things going on in my life right now.

I've been out of work for a few days due to an INTENSE headache/migraine- I have been sleeping in a giant bed with cocker spaniels,

 I have been running around south eastern Pennsylvania with Mormon missionaries and I continue to carve pumpkins like it's my job.

Life is crazy. 

Like it always is in the fall. 

Lori Ann

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Falling slowly

I love Fall.

I love the leaves.

The glowing pumpkins.

The feeling of early American history here in PA- when you see 400 year old gravestones covered is bright red maple leaves. 

Fall always triggers a little mania in me. 

I do more. 

I enjoy life more. 

I feel so at peace. are my favorite things of far! 

 I have been carving pumpkins like it's my job. 

I'm actually having a carving party tomorrow night with Shauri and her husband. 

I am sure I will burn out by Halloween :) 
 I have been proactively trying to live my religion. 

Be more than just a Mormon in name. 

The middle picture is my Sunday school class. 

And seeing my oldest nephew get the Aaronic priesthood was amazing. 
I am going to crash because I take like 100 fall pics a day on my drives around town and to and from work. 

The leaves aren't even if full color yet and I am so in love with them.

And there is something so inspiring and beautiful about the Mennonite candles in the windows of the homes around here.

Oh fall....I count on you to sustain me through the long, boring winter.

The pastel madness of spring.

And the unbearable, sticky hot summer.

You never let me down. 

Lori Ann

Monday, October 13, 2014

No treble

Random Monday at 1 am picture post. 

I am blogging at 1 am. 

Because I got hopped up on coke and skittles at my office while I was updating my filing. 

Nothing like filing to get a person revved up: )

Here are some awesome pictures that will get your week started on the right foot! 

 I've been taking a lot of pictures as a I drive.

 (and painting my nails. And brushing my hair. And facebook stalking)

 The fall leaves are still not at that amazing place they will be in about 2 weeks but the fall sky makes me so happy. 

 Shauri brought me sparking cider in a sparkly bottle, cat nip, and a candle for my birthday at like 10 pm.

 Best birthday toast ever! 

I took my Sunday school class outside today.

 Even though they begged to stay in and talk even more about the Old Testament :) 

 I never could quite get them to jump in sync :) 

 I have the best kids in the whole primary.

 I am very lucky to be their teacher. 

 The infamous Philadelphia skyline pumpkin.

 It just got real in here.



Dawn is THE BEST.

 She made me a cake, got me tons of my favorite candy and an APPLE CIDER candle (she knows me so well!) and a light up snoopy card.

 I thank God every day for sending me such an amazing friend who has surprised me time and again with her kindness and in never forgetting me- whether it's cheering me on in my crazy marathoning or celebrating my 22nd birthday
 (for the 13th time!)

I found THIS when I walked in!! 

I finally got a new license.

The DMV on your birthday is where it is at. 

I wish it was a little more dramatic before and after but I am going to hold onto my original and then, in 4 years when I get a new one, hopefully I will be exactly where I want to be.

 My mom always tells me not to be an organ donor because then they won't try and save you if you are in an accident.

 One day I am going to get in a fender bender and then call her and tell her they are removing my kidneys even though I only have a sprained ankle :) 

This past week was one of the coolest of my life. 

Seeing my sister and former mission companions
 (and the beautiful mountains!)

Celebrating my birthday with the coolest friends I have ever had. 

Getting a new license! 

Jack-Jack turning 12 and getting the priesthood (today!). 

I am kind of falling back in love with my life. 

Maybe because it's fall.

And 1 am. 

Lori Ann

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What's up, housecat?

And this represents the last of the companionship posts!! 

But don't worry...there are still (at least) 3 more Utah trip related posts to come!

So, the last of my companions that I was able to meet up with is Sister Dalley. 

(Real name Michelle Smith- but, as with the others- she will always be Dalley to me)

Sister Dalley actually hosted the mini reunion at her (beautiful!) home and was such an amazing hostess that I didn't get as much time to talk to her as I wanted. 

Which didn't surprise me in the least. 

Dalley has been one of my greatest example of true charity and kindness. 

We were companions at the end of her mission.

A lot of people (ummm....not me, I swear) just coast along, planning to go home and lose focus. 

There was not  day that went by that she didn't work hard. 

And she was endlessly kind. 

I told her at the mini reunion that, before I worked with her, I had always thought that super pretty girls only pretended to be nice but were all, in fact, mean on the inside. 

I don't know if I have ever met anyone more genuinely kind and sweet than Dalley. 

 Graveyards in Chicago are very dramatic- you can see us kind of laughing. We laughed every single day. 

In addition to planning for, preparing, and hosting this reunion that I requested, she baked me a tres leches cake with pineapple on top (the pineapple represent shrimp...don't ask!) and she got me AMAZING bath and body works lotion - trying to find the scent I used to wear on the mission!!

This girl has 3 children (including a small baby), works as a nurse practitioner with women and girls with eating disorders and a million other things and she took the time to bake me a cake and remember what kind of lotion I wore 12 years ago. 

 This cake was EPIC! (Don't listen to Tyler say it tasted like Christmas!) 

I can't even bring myself to be angry that she hasn't aged a day in the last 12 years. 

No one will ever know all the wonderful memories I have of Dalley- all of the hours she spent listening to my complain and (literally) cry, the effort she put into helping me to dress nice and do my hair so I could feel more confident, the way she taught herself Spanish so she could teach our families in their language, the way she could always see the fun in every situation. 

I still thank God often for bringing Sister Dalley in my life.

 For the example she has always set for me.

 For her teaching me how to hairspray my hair so it won't move out of place for 12 hours. 

She was, is, and always will be beautiful in every way. 


Friday, October 10, 2014

Right from the start

I will now be taking a break from my regularly scheduled companionship tribute posts to list the greatest Erin quotes from my trip to Utah.

My sister Erin, in case you were unaware, is the funniest freaking person on Earth.

(Except when she is giving unsolicited life advice and refusing to acknowledge that we are the SAME age again!)

Here are the best Erin quotes of the Infamous Utah Trip 2014

" need help and you need it fast"

"You're spiralling, Lori. I can't tell if it's up or down"

(Upon seeing my Spanish book of Mormon) "You're not going to make me read that with you, are you?"

"I know how much weird people like buttered noodles"

"Buster (her cat) just pulled a power play on me! He peed on the bathroom carpet RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" (last words shrieked in a tone of absolute outrage)

"Mom and Dad are in the same show- Dad's backstage and Mom's out front. And you have season tickets to the show"

"You are a total manipulator- you get the pot all stirred up and then walk in like "what??" but you knew all along what you were doing!"

"Saturday Conference is depressing"

(me) "They call Elder Uctdorf the silver fox" (Eri) "No, they do not!" (me) "Yes, they do!" (Eri) "Not they do not!" (repeat times 10)

"Stop texting me at 1 am telling me you are out partying with your mission companions!"

(me) "Stop giving me life advice, we are almost the same age" (Eri) "I am the older sister, that's my job" (me) "Less than 10 months older doesn't count as being an "older sister" " (Eri- practically shrieking in outrage) "Yes it does!!"

"How many times have I told you not to call or text me before 9 am?"

"Why did you just give me half a donut? What is going on here?"

"You brought tasty cakes in your carry-on? What is wrong with you?"

" I knew it! I knew you were going to get hopped up and make all kinds of crazy plans with your companions!" (me) "It's just lunch, that's not so crazy" (Eri) "CRAZY!"

There are probably a million more in just the 3 short days I was there. No one makes me laugh like Eri.

Lori Ann
(same age as Erin Leigh)