Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5 Things

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I've lived in 8 different states. Pennsylvania the longest, Colorado the shortest. 

2. I'm really good at memorizing things. But only if they are obscure and pointless. Like movie dialogue and weird facts.

3. I can always predict that it's going to rain, but not with any degree of certainty as to exactly when. So, yeah..not so useful.

4. I truly believe that there is an episode of Seinfeld about every life situation.

5. I am completely honest when I say that I would love to marry a gay man:)

5 Things I'm Knowledgeable About

1. Axis 1 mental health diagnoses

2. Harry Potter.

3.  The Philadelphia Eagles and football in general.

4.  Historical Romance novels and their Authors. My favorite is Lisa Kleypas. 

5.  The Poems of Emily Dickinson. I've read every single one. Two words: Nature, Death.

5 Things I Know Nothing About

1.  Oliver Cromwell. I guess he's important but I can't ever remember for what.

2.  Stocks and Wall Street. My dad tries to explain it to me, but I'm like ", can I go buy a stock? And then they send it to me? How does it work again?"

3.  Fashion. I like it, but I don't understand it. And 7 seasons of Project Runway have brought me no closer.

4.  Mechanics. I don't know a transmission from a tire iron.

5.  Entertaining. I want to entertain but I can't figure out how to do it. Finger foods or a meal? What will people talk about? What time should the party be?? AHHHH!!!

5 Things I Believe

1.  I believe that everyone would benefit from therapy.

2.  I believe that blond haired and blue eyed babies are the cutest.

3.  I believe that when you become a pet owner it creates a bit of a social disconnect. Kind of like having kids. No, I don't want to hear about your puppy again, thanks.

4.  I believe so strongly that everyone should read the Harry Potter books. It's one of my strongest held beliefs.

5. I believe that God loves you where you are.

Lori Ann

1 comment:

  1. This might be one of my favorite posts ever! I will check out that author for sure.

    I would also love to know that amount of times that I have yelled "Serenity Now!!!" when dealing with my kids...
