Friday, December 23, 2011

Bells will be ringing

It's almost time for me to go home for Christmas! 

Of course, I was home last weekend, so it's not exactly a call to roll out the red carpet:)

My dad's making steak and shrimp on Christmas day, we are opening presents after church and probably spending a fairly crazy day with the kids. Everyone will be home. 

Only one thing will be missing. 


Christmas isn't anywhere near the same without Eri. 

She listens to me, does projects with Danielle, and always makes plans with Junior. 

She brings light and happiness to our home. 

Spending one day with Erin gives me the feeling of having taken a two week vacation. 

She is Christmas magic. 

I wish you could be home, Eri. 

Merry Christmas. 



  1. Rumor has it that last time I was home it was not the festive time you are making it out to be. Apparently I stir the pot to much and things get "rowdy" this is according to a very reliable source (aka. MOM)...Maybe it's time for the pot to be stirred!!!!

  2. Oh I hope you had a great Christmas! This was the first year that my parents were alone! All of the kids were with their own families or else with boyfriend/girlfriend families. Strange!
