Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A day that's gray and lonely

I had 7 appointments in a row at work today.

Since it's almost Thanksgiving (I felt like it totally snuck up on me!) I guess I should let it be known that I am  

RIDICULOUSLY GRATEFUL for my job. I love having a job that is essentially doing what I love. Listening and trying to help people.

It's just a little rough to go from one person to the next to the next, etc.

By the last person I always feel a little less coherent and helpful.

"Oh, you're suicidal? Oh man, that's not awesome. Good luck with that".

Speaking of suicide, I am going to a training on Thursday and Friday about crisis response and I am SO excited.

I have had now many occasions when I have been confronted by a crisis and every single time my first thought is 

"We need to get a professional in here.Someone who knows what they are doing!"

Then I look around and realize that person is me. 

No one wants an insecure, under prepared crisis manager!

Disclaimer: I take suicide very seriously,  just to clarify.
Anyway, I will update you on PLAN Ipad later this week.

I am kind of having second thoughts because I want something that had Internet, camera, and portable music device- all in one. 

Does that product even exist?

Dang, this was a boring life update. 

I promise more scandal soon! 
(like when my affair with Petraus is revealed!)

Lori Ann

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