Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This could be the end of everything

I don't know what country I am living in anymore. 

I mean, I guess I realize that most people are good people and Romney losing this election wasn't really about evil people beating good people. 

It just feels that way in this moment. 

When did we become a country that wanted and depended on our government to do so much for us?

And where does it end?

Food, housing, free cell phones, low cost contraceptives, healthcare...

Where is the stopping point?

If I can expect the government to provide me with all of that, what is to say that they don't owe me a free education?

 A car?

 A job?

A hot boyfriend?

Maybe that's the direction we are going in. 

It makes me sad just because I've spent the last 10 years of my life working with people who are already receiving "free"
 (someones paying for it, after all)

 housing, free phones, free food, free healthcare.

That is not a lifestyle or country that I would ever want for my nieces and nephews. 

It's a sad, trapped, miserable life.

 And I have always thought America was stronger than that. 

But maybe I was wrong.

 And maybe I am wrong now.

Maybe things are about to get a lot better. 

For the sake of my four favorite people (JJEK)

 I really, really hope so.

Lori Ann

p.s.- I am putting a lot more stock in that whole December 21st, 2012 thing..


  1. I'm sorry. I was hoping you'd be so distracted by your shiny new i-pad that you wouldn't be so down in the dumps. I thought I was pretty neutral about the whole thing until Romney lost and then I realized that I really did want him to win.
    But on a more serious note, did you delete your facebook account as an act of protest? Or did you just unfriend/block me? What did I do to deserve such brutality?

  2. I deactivated it. I have too many liberal friends and I can't stand to hear their crap. I am going to get my ipad ASAP. Thanks for being awesome!

  3. I really hope to see you back on facebook soon! The political crapola will die down shortly. For the record, I feel your pain. I wanted Romney to win too.

  4. Awww..thanks, Laura. I am deleting my facebook as of midnight tonight. I want the next four years of my life to be about something better than the last four have been. I voted for Mitt, donated a little money and went to a rally. But that's not enough. I want to be better in every way by the next election. Which means giving up stuff that doesn't move me forward. SEND ME YOUR EMAIL!!! We HAVE TO keep in touch:)

    1. Please! I will not be able to handle losing contact with you!! My email is

  5. I want to come up with a really witty, intelligent reply to this post, but I don't think I have it in me. I voted for Obama, and he won, and I'm happy, but I genuinely feel bad for everyone who had such faith in Romney as the one to turn this nation into whatever perfection each individual hoped for. (Btw, I'm really trying to say this without sounding like a jerk or being all neener-neener, so I hope it doesn't come off that way.) The thing is, I see Obama winning as a better future for my children than they would have if Romney had won. The fact alone that Romney does not have the same attitude towards healthcare and women's issues is a major one for me. I want my daughters to grow up in a world where they are not perceived as second-class citizens, where they will be able to earn the same pay as anyone else with the same level of education and experience, period, where they have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies (and please don't think I'm trying to get into an abortion debate - I'm sure neither of us wants it. There's way more to my thoughts on this than could ever be summed up in a blog comment), where they can see that loving others means letting them make decisions and take steps that may not agree with their own personal beliefs, but that are still allowed because we live in a country that was founded on the principles of freedom. I want them to live in a world where people are not punished for having less than others, or because they didn't have the privilege of being born in this country. These are important issues to me. There are more, but because you talked about the world you want for your nieces & nephews, I'm throwing that out there. Don't hate me because I'm liberal. The nice thing about being in the minority on Facebook (you have too many liberal friends, I have too many conservative ones) is that I think I've learned how not to be obnoxious (so I hope I'm not part of the reason you're leaving). Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble on your blog. I'm not trying to start a debate, I just wanted to share why some of us liberals voted the way we did. Feel free to delete this comment if you need to, but the thing is, I'm starting to realize that if I don't speak up, no one else might, either, and the only way we can cross the lines is if someone reaches over.

  6. Wow. I had no idea that was so long. Yikes! (crazy liberals...)

  7. Health care and women's issues are important issues to conservatives -

  8. Allison,

    I love that you commented and since I won't be on facebook, I completely demand that you comment on my blog all of the time! (especially to compliment me on my fashion choices and crafting projects!)I feel like I get where you are coming from and think that; if we could sit and talk in person for a few hours (or days!), we would probably have many, many, many more similarities and viewpoints than differences. It's hard to sum up one's life perspective in a blog post, comment, or facebook status. I do appreciate your bravery and willingness to share yours. Mine is more complicated than what I post as well. What I will say is that my primary concern is that we; as a country, are moving further and further away from our founding principles and the promise of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". It feels like we are moving towards "Life, liberty, and the gurantee of happiness." I am resisting the urge to go one. Thanks for following my blog and I look forward to many debates in the future. (where I fully intend to convince you that I am right about everything...oh dang, I shouldn't have revealed my secret agenda...:)

  9. Ha HA! Now I'll be able to thwart you at every turn! :) Honestly, though, thanks for leaving my comment up. What I appreciate most about you (and other conservatives like you) is that you're actually willing to engage in intelligent dialogue about the issues, rather than just trying to see who can should the loudest. I've just come off of a week's worth of "discussions" with my cousin, where it felt like no matter how respectful I tried to be, and no matter how many hints I dropped that he was truly being an inconsiderate jerk, he just wouldn't take a minute to step back and even consider what I was trying to say. I know, and have always known, that not all conservatives are like that, but it's refreshing to be reminded of it. I think it would be fabulous to sit down and have a conversation with you, and you're probably right, we probably would find that we have many of the same views on things. I will be following your new blog, so watch out! ;)

    P.S. Danielle - I hope it didn't sound like I was saying I thought those issues weren't important to conservatives. I don't doubt that they are. I just meant to say that I voted the way I did because Obama's views on those issues fit more closely with mine than Romney's. You know I love you, right?

  10. Allison, I love my liberal friends. I thought of you when you posted Vicky's picture. She looks exactly like you and I wondered if she likes cheese as much as you do. Political discussions are hard. In any kind of disagreement, it can be hard to resist the temptation to attack someone or their beliefs personally - to vent our frustration or try to manipulate them.
