"Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul.."
"as a rather good sort of God, who perhaps meant well enough on the whole, but in all cases did not succeed in his benevolent designs"
(referring to a small carved wooden pagan idol named Yojo)
"commend myself into the care of Heaven"
(author describing the act of falling asleep)
"Ignorance is the parent of fear"
You may be wondering what all of these fabulous quotes have in common.
Well, wonder no more, my good people!
I am reading Moby Dick!!
This was another one on my list that I was hesitant to read because it sounded DEAD BORING.
I knew it was about a whale and someone named Captain Ahab and blah blah blah.
However, in reading all of the books on my 100 greatest books of all time list, I have been, more often than not, pleasantly surprised.
I adore Don Quixote, I am obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, I never have laughed as much as I did with Huckleberry Finn.
Maybe, I thought, Moby Dick will surprise me.
And let me tell you..it has!
I am 1/3rd of the way through, and they have just set sail for a three years journey, Ishmael and his tattooed pagan "bosom friend" Queequeg.
I have been alternately laughing over their strange adventures and marveling at the poetic and inspiring words of Herman Melville.
I can't say it enough.
Classic literature is classic for a reason.
Every single one of the books I have read
(except the creepy Heart of Darkness)
has struck a chord with me.
Has made me laugh, cry, and see the world in a whole new way.
Lori Ann