Random Thoughts Sunday Night:
I made myself a weird potato soup tonight. Then I served it up with a wooden spoon. I love wooden serving spoons. They remind me of Yoda.
No movies sound good. I keep flipping through my netflix, trying to find something that sounds entertaining. Blah.
I've been reading crafting blogs. It's so bittersweet for me because I love to craft, but I have no orginality or skill.
It's still in the 80's here. Damn you, South. Why won't you let me have my fall weather???
I tried to watch Twilight today, but Kristin Stewart just annoys me too much.
9 days until GLEE!! Oh course, I don't have tv channels, so I hope hulu puts it up the next day.
I haven't eaten chocolate in weeks. It just hasn't appealed to me in a long time. I don't know why.
I'm taking a candle lit bubble bath tonight!! I think I will start reading Moby Dick..I still can't find Walden, and I need to get moving.
Speaking of books, for every "good" book I read, I probably read about 15 romance novels. I buy them at the thrift store. They are my only enduring life passion. I hope to write one eventually. ANYWAY, I read possibly the WORST romance novel the other night. It was some bizzare story about a rich man and his sister is a social worker and she tells him that even though he gives money to the poor, he needs to experience it..blah, blah, blah...rich is evil, poor is wise and good. The LAST thing I want from a romance novel is a heavy handed poltical message.
In closing, I have a feeling its going to be a festive week. Hold onto your hats, people!
Lori Ann
Nothing should be heavy handed in a romance novel! Ever! And those aren't for politics! If you wanted politics you would have picked up Newsweek!