Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yea I'm out that Brooklyn

Not all of our NYC stories have pictures.

Thinking ahead to my eventual political career, that's probably a good thing. are a few of our New York stories.
(Beware: this post is extremely and self indulgently long and detailed)

Danielle and kids in front of the bottom half of the Freedom Tower.
The first thing we did when we got to NYC was tour the WTC memorial.

 It was beautiful and sad. 

The kind of sad that leaves you feeling a little numb.

 I think that every American should see it at least once.

Then we were off for for some steaming cups of hot chocolate at a fancy, two level, wait to be seated Burger King in uptown Manhattan.

 This was the location of the infamous Hot Chocolate Debacle.
In summary, by the time we left, tears had been shed, hot chocolate had been spilled, and Jack-Jack was left with one glove. 
(a la Michael Jackson).

 On a strange side note, I also kept hearing the employees saying "there's a troll by the bathroom".
Perhaps "troll" is NYC code for hot British guy having a minor disagreement with his girlfriend. 

Because that's what I encountered by the bathroom.
The next thing that happened was the Staten Island Ferry. 

Which brings us to Katy's shocking announcement.

 As several hundred of us crowded together to board the Ferry, Katy made the shouted announcement that Danielle was not her "real mom" but was babysitting her until her real mom
 (someone named "Chelly") 

came for her. 

As I frantically scanned the crowd to see who might be dialing 911,  Danielle  stated in a loud voice 
"Well, it's been four and a half years, and she hasn't come yet". 

 Completely epic!! 

After that Lifetime Television "Someone stole my baby" moment we had about ten minutes of peering at NYC through the salt encrusted windows of a lower deck, before we ventured up to the top "hurricane" deck.

Aren't they so cute? 
Elly and Jack ran right out the door but James was scared and stood in the doorway for at least a full minute.

 I think I will always remember the sight of him there, trying to overcome his fear.

 He finally got the nerve and stepped out onto the deck. 

He loved it so much that I just know one day he'll be a pirate.
 (Not today's weird, kidnapping, drug running pirates. But the romantic, ladies man, swashbuckling pirates of old. James is going to bring that back, I am sure of it.)

 Hot dogs and diet coke on the floor of the ferry terminal on Staten Island. 

Our NYC picnic.  

 Oh, I think this picture speaks for itself.

 As does the fact that I have at least 20 just like it.

 Ellie owned the pole.

 It's kind a weight off my mind that we probably won't have to start a college fund for her.

 I think she'll find a way to pay for medical school. 
(This blog is really walking the line of bad, bad taste right now)

 The dinosaur floor of The Museum of Natural History. 

On the first floor (the Earth and Space floor) we were lured into this little theater with the idea that we would be learning about black holes.

 But instead we watched strange, geeky scientists talk about polarization, inflation, and something called "the cosmic microwave background". 

I kept waiting for the black hole tie in, but it never came.

 Sadly, this would not be the only time NYC stabbed me in the back that day
 (I'm talking about you, 2 dollar laffy taffies!) 

The last story of today's post
 (because, oh yes, there are many more stories to come)

 brings us to the one and only Time Square picture we have.

 Of James and Elly with Elmo and cookie monster.

We shook them down.

 Or rather, Danielle did.

I knew they would want money, but Danielle felt that they were standing on the street corner, just for the sheer joy of taking pictures with kids.

And she didn't give them any money.

Another epic move by my crazy sister.

Anyway, I've rambled so much during this post. 

And most of the stories are those "you had to be there" type. 

But it makes me happy to know that the kids will be able to look back and remember even the little details.

My parents took us to a few cities when we were young and I have almost no memories.

 What I wouldn't give to have had a blog for my mom to write in back then.

Anyway, there will be a few more stories tomorrow and then back to my usual schedule of posts about mental health and my cat.

In lieu of a closing "see ya" or some such,  I am right now throwing you some upper East side gang signs.

Because New York gave me street cred like that.

Lori Ann

Saturday, February 2, 2013

There are places I remember

Danielle and the kids looking at the distant Statue of Liberty
I don't think there is any experience in life that can prepare you for ten hours in New York City with four children.

War, maybe.

There is so much I want to say. So many stories to tell. 

The hot chocolate debacle.

 Jerome and the dodge ball discussion.

 Ellie's proclivity for pole dancing.

 Katy's shocking Staten Island Ferry announcement. 

Picnicking like true New Yorkers. 

Finding Alexander Hamilton by accident.

The Time Square Elmo shakedown.

Three words: Cosmic Microwave Background. 

James's first big step toward his future as a pirate. 

And so many more.

 I pledge to tell each and every story, not just for my beloved readers, but for the kids. So they'll always remember the craziness that was their first trip to NYC. 

The subway--- Monroe style. 

Lori Ann

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No place that I'd rather be

Elly's New York City To Do List
The last item on the list says 

"Go inside something, Look at what's in the buildings"
We may or may not be going for a day trip to NYC on Friday.

It's ok to be jealous:)

Lori Ann

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Though I've tried

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
The German pancake I made for lunch!!
Things that are making me happy during this chilly, bright, first week of January:

1 James " Snorky" Monroe telling me that gypsy themed tulle skirts are translucent and never opaque. 

2. You tubing " Mormon mission calls" and sorting by upload date and finding that 90% of them are teenage girls!!!

Girl power!! 

3. Revenge is back on.


4. Every time I watch "house hunters" it features cute gay boys and they make me so happy.

 I want them to find a cute home. 

That is all. 

Lori Ann

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Customers appreciate a bon-viveur

I bet you thought that I was going to break my new years resolution to blog every day... but people, come on.

 It's only the 5th.

 I try to keep a year long resolution for at least a week:)

Anyway, here are my Random Saturday Updates!

1. I have spent most of the day crafting.

It's been as intensely awesome as almost any life experience can be.

 Giving birth to a child, skydiving, a leisurely Saturday spent crafting.. all things you have to experience to appreciate the rush.

Actually the crafting started Friday night with Elly's tulle skirt/headdress
2. I did go to see Les Mis tonight.

What I failed to realize is that it would be ALL singing.

 I thought it would be like Glee..mostly dialogue, with a few spontaneous outbursts of song.

 It was good though.

I am man enough to admit that I cried a few times.

 I; of course, related to the character of Eponine.

 My parents are kind of nuts and Danielle stole the man of my dreams :)

3. Today has been really rejuvenating for me.

 I took a weirdly long nap, spent less than quality time with the Sugar shaker, went to the movies, and crafted.

 All stuff that makes me feel better about myself and about life.

Behold..the Sugar cookie!
4. Brace yourselves. I may be featuring my finished craft projects on this blog tomorrow.

Then they will probably get repinned all over Pinterest and I am going to be famous, baby. 

Don't hate the player, hate the game. 

I am not exactly sure what that means but it sounds legit.

 And when you become Pinterest famous, your street cred goes way up.

 So, yeah.

Lori Ann

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Heaven bent

I love quotes like this. 

I have the desire to do so much.

 The older I get the more I realize how fleeting time really is. 

Your life goes by so quickly. 

I think of all of the things I haven't seen or done and I feel so inspired and have such a sense of urgency to

get up

 get out

 and do something!

Then I find myself drinking diet coke and fighting with my cat at  9 am on a Thursday morning. 


I wonder how often Jefferson found himself in the same position? :)


Speaking of inspiring quotes, I still haven't figured out what to hang on my office wall. 

I am cutting letters out of vinyl tonight for my office wall and I have no idea what quote to use. 

Some I have considered..

"Begin anywhere"

"It's not what we look's what we see"

"Life is a tough crowd" 
(my favorite Taylor Swift lyric ever!)

and assorted others.

Give me ideas PLEASE!!

Lori Ann
This one is too long but I love it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What do you mean, he don't eat no meat?

I only managed 9 months of vegetarianism.

Not because the desire for meat became overwhelming but because I moved back in with my parents.

You can't live with my dad and be a vegetarian.

It would be like trying to live with an apostle and be an inactive.


Here are the

Top 5 Things that I got out of my 9 months of Vegetarianism!

5. Veggie products are REALLY good.

My favorite is the veggie chicken patty.

If you've been afraid to try a boca burger or vegan cake..go for it!

4. It's weird how hard it is to live in this world without meat.

You realize how much you ate before, how it's in so many dishes, and how it can be tricky finding ways around eating it.

3. Going vegetarian WILL break fast food addiction.

 Meat is the center of almost every fast food meal.

 The only one with a veggie burger is BK and it is so-so.

When you come back to meat you realize how crappy most fast food burgers and chicken patties are.

 Also, for some reason, without eating the burgers, the fries and everything lose their taste too.

2. Going vegetarian will not make you a healthy eater if you weren't one before.

I completely thought that I would lose millions of pounds and be running a marathon, drinking my protein slash veggie shake that I had strapped to my arm as crossed the 26th mile.

 Instead I was eating a lot of grilled cheese and gummi bears, laying on my couch, watching Revenge on Hulu.

1. Vegetarians seem a lot less smug and irritating if you join them.

 They become super supportive and encouraging.

 I made some great veggie friends, learned some awesome new recipes, and challenged myself in a way that I have never have before.

I am still contemplating a vegetarian lifestyle. I think I could do it.

 I'll get back to you on what I decide.

Right after I eat this steak my dad made me :)

Lori Ann

p.s.- Even though it was technically only 9 months, I am still considering my bucket list goal of going vegetarian for 1 year accomplished! I learned what i was meant to learn, I think. Go me! That is 1 goal I got done in 2012!!