Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A day that's gray and lonely

I had 7 appointments in a row at work today.

Since it's almost Thanksgiving (I felt like it totally snuck up on me!) I guess I should let it be known that I am  

RIDICULOUSLY GRATEFUL for my job. I love having a job that is essentially doing what I love. Listening and trying to help people.

It's just a little rough to go from one person to the next to the next, etc.

By the last person I always feel a little less coherent and helpful.

"Oh, you're suicidal? Oh man, that's not awesome. Good luck with that".

Speaking of suicide, I am going to a training on Thursday and Friday about crisis response and I am SO excited.

I have had now many occasions when I have been confronted by a crisis and every single time my first thought is 

"We need to get a professional in here.Someone who knows what they are doing!"

Then I look around and realize that person is me. 

No one wants an insecure, under prepared crisis manager!

Disclaimer: I take suicide very seriously,  just to clarify.
Anyway, I will update you on PLAN Ipad later this week.

I am kind of having second thoughts because I want something that had Internet, camera, and portable music device- all in one. 

Does that product even exist?

Dang, this was a boring life update. 

I promise more scandal soon! 
(like when my affair with Petraus is revealed!)

Lori Ann

Sunday, November 11, 2012

To guide us with the light of love

It's Veteran's Day. 

Both of my grandfathers served in the Air Force.

My dad's father was a bomber escort pilot in Japan in World War II.

My mom's dad was too young for WWII but served in Korea. 

Hinsdales have been in every war since before the American Revolution.

It's one of the many reasons that I am intensely proud to be an American.

 And I am so deeply grateful to those who serve our country.

I've always loved America, but it's meant even more for me over the last 5 years or so, since the first time I really left the country
 (I had been to Canada once)

 and went on a 2 week tour of Europe. 

I saw the coast of Ireland

 the rolling hills of Belgium

 the endlessly fascinating cities of England

 and the unparalleled beauty of France.

The lands of all of my ancestors.

I looked around and saw so much of the state that I call home.

 My beloved Pennsylvania. 

I could see how they took the beauty and the community of their homeland and brought it to this new world.

This promised land.

How brave they were.

 How strong to leave behind their families and leave forever these genuinely beautiful countries.

All to come to a new country and to fight for freedom.

 For this city upon a hill.

 For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I am grateful for every solider, for every family, for every single act of selflessness and strength.

 I am so thankful for blessings I enjoy because of the sacrifice of my forefathers and my countryman.

God bless America

 and I ask God most especially bless our Veterans.

Lori Ann

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This could be the end of everything

I don't know what country I am living in anymore. 

I mean, I guess I realize that most people are good people and Romney losing this election wasn't really about evil people beating good people. 

It just feels that way in this moment. 

When did we become a country that wanted and depended on our government to do so much for us?

And where does it end?

Food, housing, free cell phones, low cost contraceptives, healthcare...

Where is the stopping point?

If I can expect the government to provide me with all of that, what is to say that they don't owe me a free education?

 A car?

 A job?

A hot boyfriend?

Maybe that's the direction we are going in. 

It makes me sad just because I've spent the last 10 years of my life working with people who are already receiving "free"
 (someones paying for it, after all)

 housing, free phones, free food, free healthcare.

That is not a lifestyle or country that I would ever want for my nieces and nephews. 

It's a sad, trapped, miserable life.

 And I have always thought America was stronger than that. 

But maybe I was wrong.

 And maybe I am wrong now.

Maybe things are about to get a lot better. 

For the sake of my four favorite people (JJEK)

 I really, really hope so.

Lori Ann

p.s.- I am putting a lot more stock in that whole December 21st, 2012 thing..

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The pavement shines like silver


Except for my post election wrap up (either a rambling, sobbing, hysterical indictment of the American voter or a glowing, praise filled ode to our democratic process) THIS will be my last election related post.

I have outsmarted the political process and made this election a WIN-WIN for me, no matter what.

If this guy wins....
America Loving Mitt
I rejoice and have a lot of hope for the future!!

If this guy wins..
Angry, probably Canada loving Barack

I am buying myself an iPad!

So..November 7th will either be spent in watching victorious post Election commentary on Fox or losing myself in a world of new apps and tuna casserole.

Win-Win, baby!

Lori Ann

Monday, October 29, 2012

Stranded at the drive in

Ok so...

My work is closed for the next day and a half.

 I went in today for 4 hours and did some paperwork and then we closed and my dad came to pick me up.

 Oh yeah..I'm one of those strong, independent women who have their dads drive them to work in bad weather!

 Take that, feminist movement!

Anyway, my father is half comforting, half crazy.

 He's driving me home through all these heavily wooded back roads, talking about how "its just raining a little".

 The crazy part is that he really means it.

I don't know if I have ever seen my father freaked out about anything.

 He's the last of that old school generation of dads (or perhaps men) who fear nothing.

It could be Armageddon and my father would be out back, grilling steaks, saying things like

 "Jesus C#$@, Lori, you wringing your hands ain't going to do a d&@# thing to change things.

 "Well..what did you expect? This is what happens when you let liberals get elected."

Speaking of liberals, I keep worrying about how this storm will affect the election.

Because I lack empathy for others and put my own political agenda ahead of the health and safety of others.

Anyway, I'm off to put on my pjs and read some Harry Potter.

Do you think I could read all 7 in 36 hours?

Maybe I'll start here..

Lori Ann

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Even at the height of our revelry...

This blog has been sacrificed to Election Mania.

 I have a two part plan set up for November 7th, once all of the ballots have been counted.

Plan A

 Romney wins!

Rejoice and write patronizing words of comfort on every single one of my democrat friends' facebook walls.

 Plan B

 Obama wins:/

Stay in bed ALL DAY.

 Eat tuna casserole and drink coke- fully sugared and caffeinated coke.

 Avoid all social media.

I have so much to tell you all though.

 Oh my gosh.

 I've got crazy work stories (already), crazy Sugar stories (you know you miss those) and more insane life goals I have little to no intention of actually accomplishing!

 No matter who you support, get out there and vote!
(And remember, Republicans vote on Tuesday and Democrats on Wednesday :)

 Lori Ann

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some nights I call it a draw


 You Only Live Once.

 I am always drawn to those quotes and sayings.

Those, "Live each moment as if it were a miracle and reach for your dreams and yada yada". 

I love fall and it's been a beautiful weekend but I've been in doors for most of it.

 I have become even more of a horrible couch potato since I've been at my parents.

There is a reason I never have a TV when I live alone. 

I am not living each moment as if it were a miracle, that is for sure. 

I can get this weekend back.

 I've got another few weeks of beautiful fall before winter weather sets in.

 But there are things and days I can never get back.

 Things I wish I had done.

 I haven't lived my life with no regrets. 

I regret not taking more chances on life when I was younger and more free.

I regret not seeing the Mona Lisa when I was in Paris.

I regret not being a young bride in an over the top Cinderella dress.

I regret not keeping in touch with my mission companions and going to their weddings.

I regret not going to Yellowstone when I lived so close for 4 years.

I regret never getting to do a session in the SLC Temple.

I regret never taking any cooking classes in college.

I regret all of the nights I could have been out under the stars, and instead I was inside, slowly losing my brain cells by the light of the TV.

I regret never figuring out what my personal style was and being too scared to experiment.

I regret dressing in over sized clothes all through high school.

I regret not knowing my dad's parents better before they died.

I regret not being a better aunt today.

I regret never making the effort to find the hot gay boy I always wanted as a best friend.

I regret not voting until I turned 20.

Yada, yada, yada... I could go on and on. 

But my life is far from over (I hope).

I hopefully have years ahead to live my dreams..and I really want to.

I want to blog in another year about how this year has been the year of no regret.

Wish me luck!!

Lori Ann

p.s.- One of my biggest regrets is not taking up choir in college, like I had in high school.

 Then I could have been in a kick ass all girls acapella group.

Like this one!