Monday, September 17, 2012

A long, rambling political post

I have so many random things to update you on.

Like how I'm making this for all of my coworkers.

I call it the Wheel O' Diagnoses. 

Then there is this.

My fall fun list. 

But what's really been on my mind is this.

The Election

I have been thinking about asking my doctor for anti-anxiety meds to last me through November 6th.

Election year brings out every element of crazy that I have!!

 And even though I know it's not kosher to talk too much about politics on one's blog,

I am going to do it anyway. 

Let's do this dance!

Here is a WAY TOO LONG explanation of my political perspective

I believe that most people's political views are influenced by a combination of: socioeconomic class, gender, race, geographical location, religion, education, job, life experiences, etc. 

All of these different elements combine to write the story of a person's life.

 If my life were a book, it would be a tale of a: strictly raised, blue collar, white, Mormon, college educated girl from the East Coast who grew up to be a social worker/therapist.

I'm a little bit of a dictonomy.

There are elements of the conservative "strictly raised, Mormon, blue collar, white".

There are elements of the liberal- "female, college educated, East Coast, social worker".
(not that college educated people can't be conservative, they just trend towards liberal)

Surprisingly enough (not),

 I am neither completely conservative nor completely liberal. 

I believe in civil unions for any two (or 3 or 4) people who want them

 But not because I'm necessarily in favor of gay marriage.

 But because I know how hard it is to have to have to do everything alone and I think any two (or more) people who want to support each other should have as many legal rights and tax helps as they possibly can get.

I am pro-life.

Not so much because I believe that life begins at conception (though I do) but because I have counselled literally dozens of women who deeply regret their abortions.

Their abortions that were 18 years ago, 7 years ago, 4 years ago.

 One client said "A part of me is still there in that room...
 (where the abortion occurred)

I feel like I'll always be in there, trying to find my way out".

 I cried with her.

I worked with too many illegal immigrants on my mission and in my work to not have sympathy for their plight.

I'm kind of pro DREAM act.

 I know too many kids who were raised as American, who are the most hard working and decent people.

 They deserve an equal chance at an education.

I've worked with too many overwhelmed and depressed single moms to not believe in the absolute need for the traditional family.

 Not just as a social stabilizer, but an economic one too.

I've seen too many kids who desperately need a dad, women who need a partner, and families who need hope.

I've seen the fall out from drug use of a few months, drug use of a few years, and drug use of decades.

I'd vote to keep marijuana illegal.

 I've seen what it can do to people.

I could keep going and going and you see what I mean by crazy?

 I just can't stop thinking about and talking about it because it's so important to me and I feel like whoever is elected has to power to change things for the positive or negative. 

I am not in love with either candidate.

I think they are both good men and amazing fathers.

But; considering all of the factors, all of my life experiences, and considering that writing my mother's name in during the election of 04 didn't get her into office,

 I am going with:


Yes; once again, I am voting based on hotness.

Lori Ann


  1. I feel so bad for the women who had abortions you talked about. They probably had no idea of the ensuing grief - I don't know how you would help them move past that.

    1. I always tell them that it's something that they have to come to terms with, but I am; as always, hear to listen. They are the saddest stories I have ever heard.

  2. This is why I respect you politically. You have actually thought through all these issues separately and taken each one into consideration. While I agree with you on some issues and disagree with you on others, I can respect your conclusions completely because it is clear you have come to them intelligently. I know so many people who just seem to make their political decisions based on fear tactics and crazy one-sided misinformation. It makes me so frustrated! Why is it that the people who don't do their research are the loudest? Plus, we've got Winona Ryder out there pissing people off with a guitar.

    1. Thanks, Allison! As my dad always says "The empty gourd rattles the loudest". That's why the most uninformed are always the first (and loudest) to speak. But I've actually changed my stance on one of this since I posted. I now believe marijuana is great. I'm off to call the whip it badger. :)

  3. Well I'm writing YOUR name in!

    1. YES! (Although, if Mitt loses Utah by one vote, I am going to hold you responsible!) :)

  4. Yesterday you told me you were voting for the Romney/Ryan ticket because Ryan was so hot... did I miss that when I read your reasons?
