Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Avoid the clap!

Excuse me.

I don't know what you did with your day today, but guess what I did?

I had a Justin Beiber dance a thon.

With 7 Hispanic boys under the age of 10.

Talk about a raging case of Beiber Fever. 

I had no idea it had hit the Hispanic community so hard. 

Anyway, I have got to go.

My first love broke my heart for the first time.

And I was like, baby, baby, baby no. 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Your mom goes to college

I have been neglecting this blog. 

Which is a travesty, because I always promised myself that I would tell the world my story.

Instead of blogging
(this is one of the few phrases I always think first in spanish, then english- "instead of", I always think "En lugar de")

I've been adding music to my itunes, eating sherbet,translating documents, chasing down my clients, and setting off the fire alarms in Erin's apartment.

Well, that last one isn't true. 

Tonight my plan is to make a strawberry cake. 

Then take a bubble bath. 

Then play bingo bonanaza on facebook. 

 That's just how I roll, homies. 

Lori Ann 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yeah, he's a looker, but I really think it's guts that matter most

Is anyone else enraged by the limited release of the new Jane Eyre?

 I looked it up on moviefone to see if it was playing nearby.

The closest two theaters were in Texas and Hollywood.

The song lyrics "well, I been afraid of changing, because I built my life around you" have been running through my head all day.

I swear, God communicates with me via song.

My new favorite drink is the following: concentrated fruit punch, ice, ginger ale.

 It's totally sick.

I have finally discovered a lesser known band that I like. "The Spill Canvas".

 I keep listening to this song over and over again.

I feel so..I don't know..indie? hippie? 

I've just always wanted to be of "those people" who totally just get weird and obscure music. 

I had a crazy awesome lunch with intern number 2 this week.
(although my friendship with her pet is getting strained)

If the cowboys don't win this season of the Amazing Race, I AM GOING TO..get mildly upset and probably forget about it fairly easily.

I have been dreaming about work again.

 What would Freud make of it?
 (He'd probably either fall asleep during the first few minutes of my description "..and then I told her that she can't keep casting herself in the role of victim,then my boss called but my cell phone was a sandwich" or he would tell me "Not this dream crap again, please" )  

I can't think up enough movie titles for my blog titles

. So I am going full on crazy and just putting whatever I want.

 Sometimes, the titles might even match the content. 

You're welcome!

Lori Ann

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This Day in Mission History Part 3??

Welcome back to this day in mission history!

 I served two Marches in the mission- one at the MTC and one in the field, so I had to chose which one to put up today.

 Trust me when I say that the content of both was about the same.

Me, raging about a companion.

 Like a freaking psycho. 

In today's entry, I encourage my journal to PRAY for me, that I will get transferred.

 I hope you feel highly enriched and uplifted by today's entry!!! 

Hermana Hinsdale 

p.s.- I think I am ready to dial down my Glee obsession. However, thanks to last nights episode, I can't stop listening to Fleetwood Mac. Which makes me angry because Stevie Nicks gets on my nerves for some reason. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Oh my gosh. 

I feel horrible.

I have abandoned y'all for my glee fan fiction.

 So pathetic sad, I know. 

I am trying to get the "poor girls fancy" part of this blog off the ground.

 I just can't get into it. 

I want beautiful things in my life, but dang, it is so much effort. 

So, let's talk about my clients instead. 

Ok, so one of my clients got their power turned off tonight.

They have seven kids. 

I went to visit them and I brought them pizza (since their oven didn't work) and I tried to keep their kids minds off the fact that they would be sleeping in a dark and cold house. 

It was so hard for me to drive away and leave those babies.

 I was crying in my car. 

I felt like I was leaving my James in a dark and cold house.

Social work is not for the faint of heart. 

Lori Ann

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ok, people. 

Today's topic is very near and dear to my heart.

Romance novels 

For years they were my favorite form of fiction.

 I still read them, but they are now mixed in with literature, Harry Potter, poetry, Harry Potter, etc.

I usually buy books at thrift stores, because nothing burns me more than paying $7.99 for a book at Walmart or Barnes and Noble, then finding it to be a total waste of time and money.

Books that are only .49 cents don't have the power to burn you in that same fashion.


I swear I am going back to that thrift store and demanding my .49 cents back. 

Because of this...

Ok, so I bought this book because the thrift store didn't have anything else even vaguely interesting and I have always harbored a belief that; one day, a rich and handsome man will ask me to travel the world with him.

 Of course, most wealthy businessmen do not require the services of a travelling social worker, but lets not forget that I am also a licensed therapist. 

Which would make this man mentally ill, but whatever. This is my dream, people!


The girl from this book is named Suzy.

 Suzy made me hate her so much I kept throwing the book down and screaming, "I hate you, Suzy!"

Behold the evilness of Suzy:

1. Suzy had been married before and widowed.

 Her first husband became disabled in an accident and killed himself a year later, so as not to be a burden on her.

She admitted to feeling a huge sense of RELIEF upon finding his body.

2. Suzy, once having left the town she grew up in, immediately began expressing her disdain for everyone in her town, calling them "provincial" but most especially her family.

She booked herself and her boss (now husband) into a hotel so that he wouldn't have to be subjected to her parents guest bedroom.

She told her sister that she was "the size of a house", complained about her "noisy and sticky" nieces and nephews, and raged at her mother for making them sit down to tea and then later dinner.

 Which brings us to point number 3..

3. Suzy very quickly embraced anorexia during the course of this book.

 Getting steadily slimmer, signing up for excessive classes at the gym.
(all as a response to her boss telling her she wasn't fit)

 She; on several occasions, sneers at others who are eating.

 It's quite disturbing actually.

I could keep going.

 There was her plot to get secretly pregnant by her boss and run away, her side romance with a french Casanova, her tendency to spend large amounts of "work" time tanning and buying knock off designer clothes. 

The hero of this book wasn't much better.

 He had mistresses on every continent, constantly referred to himself as a 'citizen of the world' in a condescending manner, and was so critical of every one's eating habits.

 So bizarre. 

I hope you are all having a festive and entertaining Saturday!!

 I am headed back to bed with my copy of Deathly Hallows. 

Pure bliss.

Lori Ann

Friday, March 4, 2011

I don't think that I'll see her again

I wish there was something scandalous I could post about.

Like how hot our new IT guy is.

Or how I have been hardcore antiquing in my town.

But neither would be true. (well, the IT would. He is hot!!!)

So, instead, I will blog about the weather.

I don't think the South got the memo that March comes in like a LION and out like a LAMB

Because here, mid February come in like a lamb, shorn and ready for summer pastures.

Winter consisted of one week of 2 inches of snow in December.

Don't get me wrong.

I love the nice weather.

 I have been dragging my clients to every park known to man.

It's just...I miss four seasons.

Good thing I only have 92 days until I move home.

Not that I am counting or anything.

Lori Ann