What I love about my life right now
That Danielle is home again and we can maybe do a few fun day trips this summer. As much as a whine my way through every step of the trips (as Danielle can attest), after they are done, they are some of my very favorite memories with my nieces and nephews.
My groups are almost done. They'll start back up again at the end of July but it's nice to have a short break.
Having an air conditioner in my room! Hallelujah!
The idea of going to Michigan in August. I haven't been there for 20 years. It's the part of my heritage that I dedicate the least thought and time to. Almost my dad's entire family is there and has been for generations. There is a small part of me that is a mid western girl.
Getting my walking done this morning. I always feel SO MUCH BETTER when I just do it. It's taking that first step that trips me up.
Thinking about the bike I am going to get when I finish 100 miles. It's going to be pink with a basket!
Finding a primary care doctor that I really, really like. And feeling (even after a few days) already a little better with medication.
Tomorrow night we are taking Danielle's kids to the carnival and there are going to be fireworks! Let the summer magic begin! (The only magic time of summer for me are the weeks leading up to the 4th of July..the rest is a hot, horrible mess)
Getting this picture printed for my mom. It's her and two of her 4 sisters (the other two wouldn't be born for another 15 some years). My mom, Aunt Debbie, and Aunt Cheryl with their dad.
Lori Ann