Friday, June 6, 2014

Ain't it beautiful?

This thing has been making me laugh a lot lately. 

Here are some of the things she has said that I never want to forget. 

"Thomas, your precious tail. It's growing back!" (sadly, his tail is not growing back but I didn't have the heart to tell her)

She lost a tooth today and so I asked her what she thought the tooth fairy did with the teeth she collected. "I think she makes pretend humans and puts our teeth in them". She actually painted quite a creepy picture of the tooth fairy with this one!

I asked her what she thought I did for a job. She said "You work". I can see she has been hanging out with my dad of the 'work is work' fame. 

My dad also apparently taught her to say "knucklehead". I've never met a 6 year old who knows and uses it as a daily insult until the Kat. 

My mom has various mannequins and CPR dummies in the backseat of her car right now. Random heads and such. Which prompted Katy to ask me "Why does Nana Terry always have body parts in her car?" 

There were a few others but I wrote them down at the office and don't have them in front of me. :(  I can always amend this post later on :) 

I love you, crazy Katherine Danielle Monroe. 

You do the name of family baby proud!

Aunt Lori

p.s.- Apparently she was sharing with my mom her thoughts on wealth distribution earlier today. She leans a little communist from what I hear. (No one tell my dad. Katy is not ready for his patented 3 hour 'capitalism and the free market system' lecture)

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