Sunday, October 25, 2009

You make me sick

The Benefits of Illness

By L. Ann Hinsdale, PhD.
 (well, MSW..but its practically the same thing;)

Being ill does something to my brain.

 It slows it down in a weird and awesome way.

Usually my mind is racing with ideas about prank calls I want to make to my older sisters, craft ideas for my clients, and what I want people to get me for Christmas.

Then..BAM...I get sick, and, as I sit in front of hours of home improvement tv shows, slightly out of it on nyquil, wrapped up in my new pink snuggie (thanks, Eri),

 I get a lot of clarity of thought.
Here is what I have been thinking:
What I miss most from my childhood is the feeling of magic that surrounded holidays.

 Even though we didnt have many "big" Christmases, something about the holidays with my family was so easy, and sparkly, and fun.

Now, I have to struggle to make myself feel like holidays are somehow different from other days.

I have recently been thinking about all of the ways that I have been blessed from my mission.

 My company CEO recently told me that I was one of her favorite people and an "absolute necessity" because of:

1. My ability to set people at ease (thank you knocking on doors and talking to thousands of people and trying to not appear like a crazy person)
2. My bi-lingualness (thank you, MTC for 9 harsh weeks of language training, my "I will not speak English to you" trainer, and all mi gente de Illinois)

It's weird when you start to see the plan that God has for you and the way that He has led you.

You start to think that maybe God knows what he is doing after all.

p.s.- the cold medicine makes me unusually introspective.


 Back to normal Lori as soon as I get over this flu!

Lori Ann


  1. Holidays are sparkly at the Monroe house. Stay for Christmas!!!

  2. When you are stating your educational resume like you did at the beginning of your post it is only proper to indicated that you are only a provisionally licensed social worker person. Plus this make it more interesting as people will wonder what type of mistakes you made to have a probationary license.
