Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hit me with your best shot


I brought Sugar over with me this morning when I came to hang out with my sister's kids. 

I don't know how they do it but my sister's kids make every life situation hilarious. 

Sugar did NOT like their cat Willow and Willow was not a fan of Sugar. 

So, Sugar is in one corner, hissing, and Willow is backing up and James is saying in a

(I kid you not)

boxing ring announcer voice 

'I would not want to be either one of them at this moment. Look at this, folks "

I was just like "who is this kid?" 

Then, my sweet Katy Kat, starts counseling Willow, saying 'Sugar's new here and she's just a kitten.We've got to give her time to look around". 

It was SO precious. 

She reminded me so much of my sister Erin in that moment. 

I know these kid stories are really only of interest to me, but it's my blog, damn it!

And these are the stories I want the kids to read in my blog book when they are 40 and trying to remember the stories of their childhood. 

Lori Ann

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Te regalo mi cintura

Ok, here is what has been going on in my exciting, exciting life..

I've been at the gym almost every day. 

Except yesterday, when I decided that the walking paths were probably ok because we had a warm weekend. BUT NO.

I walked a half mile down the path only to be confronted by huge patches of ice. Then I turned around and marched back and went down a different path. Got about 1/4 mile and MORE ICE.

I tried though. It was a triumph of the human spirit. 

Feel free to cite this story when trying to motivate and inspire others.

ha ha. 

I walked 5 miles tonight. I haven't been running as much because it bothers the metal in my left leg. I hate that one fall on the ice at age 20 affects me to this day. 

Whatever. Hopefully as I get more in shape, running won't bother the metal or the break area as much. 
Ahh..the gym. Why do people choose the treadmill RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are 12 empty ones? 
I'm experimenting with weird church clothes. Including high heels. (well, high for me) I wore this odd get up last week. Go me!
I trial ran these shoes at church this week. Other than clumping around like a weirdo, I liked it. Now to wear them to work...
Work has been nuts. Literally nuts. Thankfully I have my favorite coworkers who keep me sane and help me not completely hide in my office, rage eating skittles. 

Rage is my new favorite word. Add it before anything and it makes it sound edgy and cool.

For example, "I am going to totally rage eat this bowl of oatmeal".

 See what I mean?

Anyway, speaking of good friends, I learned something kinda awesome today. 

You don't fill in the blank with the F word here with Michele. 

And you will NOT see Dawn next Tuesday. 

Lori Ann

p.s.- You know your life is in a good place when you hear your nephew say (in the middle of Sunday family dinner) "Dirty Gerty is missing an arm". I love you, James Monroe. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Just an old, sweet song

Sooooo..... Today was interesting. 

I broke up a fight, speed walked 8 miles, and made rice krispy treats with my successor. 

It was epic. 

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the fight but here is me after 8 miles on the devil treadmill.

I was SO excited to walk today because it was a beautiful day. I drove to the park I always walk at, put on my headphones, laced up my sneakers- Ode to Joy was playing as I started around the 1/2 mile track.....and then...ICE.

All the snow was melting and anywhere on the track that was in the shade was covered in slippery, slippery ice. 

I was enraged. 

So, I inched back across the ice and drove to the gym. Where I had planned to walk 10 miles but only made it to 8. My legs were starting to feel a weird, icy feeling around 7 miles and I could really feel the metal in my leg. Also, I was done being surrounded by weird gym people.

I'll go for 9 next Saturday. 

One step at a time.

Before all of this, I made rice krispy treats with the infamous Katherine Danielle Monroe. 
We had a youngest child party. It was amazing. Even when Elly joined us, insisting that she had been the youngest child for 2 years and so should be able to help make the treats:) 

Then-later in the day- I saw two of my neighbors fighting. Which I would not normally involve myself in but one was an adult and one was a 12 year old. Child abuse kinda gets to me, I guess.

So, I tried to use my therapist voice and break things up. 

It got kind of resolved and I was able to go home and have some kosher pickles and fruit loops.

The end of a rather magical day.

Lori Ann

Friday, February 21, 2014

He filled my life with endless wonder

Some things I don't want to forget from this crazy, crazy week. 

Seeing these in the hallway outside of my office yesterday. 

They are from my sister Erin. She sends me flowers a few times a year. Just because she is thoughtful like that. 

Erin never forgets me. She always knows when I am stressed or overwhelmed or if I just had a week with 100 back to back appointments in it. (or when someone tells me (like today) that an alligator could do my job better than me)

Best. Sister. Ever. 

This was hanging on my office when I got in earlier this week. It's from Dawn, one of my very favorite coworkers. She left me a card today that said "35".

She's counting down to my half marathon.

How sweet is that? 

She is also holding my crackers for me so that I don't eat more than 5 at lunch time. 

That's true friendship. 

Dawn is amazing.

Anyway...other stuff I want to remember...

James told me that I was "lame" because I didn't have the song Bad Company on my iPad.

Katy was talking about how she wants to be a mom one day. She said she is going to find her future husband in either New York or Utah. She was talking about being a little scared to have a baby in her stomach and so I said "You can always adopt a baby" and she said "I can just go to the hospital and get one?" 

She sounded really excited. :) 

All the marriage and baby talk prompted me to talk about the man I want to marry and I was listing the qualities I want: metro sexual, in touch with his feelings... and Jack Jack states "Someone who will do whatever you say"

How does he know me so well?

Speaking of Jack Jack- today he said that the reason that I get so aggravated with him at times was because I am still upset about not being present at his birth. (which I agreed with!)

(He was due Oct. 1st- I came out Sept. 30th and had to leave on Oct. 8th- the day he was born. My sister was half way through labor when I had to leave)

When I got home from work, Elly and her friend were playing outside in the snow. Elly yells over to me "Aunt Lori, we have ice powers!". Then, after a quick, whispered conference with her friend, she turns to me and states "Umm..never mind. No, we don't!"  They look so relieved when I said "ok". (I guess the ice powers are supposed to be secret. But I am so selling this story to the tabloids)

My parents are sick. This thing was waiting for me when I got home today. My mother has been trying to get her hands on a manniquin for her trainings at work. (she has asked in several stores "What are you doing with that manniquinn?" I told her that she was making us look like serial killers)

Anwyay, I gues she finally got her hands on one and it scared me like 10 times tonight. 


I've been to the gym almost every single day. 

I love my new gym. It helps me push myself to work out, knowing that the steam room and hot tub await me at the end!

I went to a weight loss support group and learned about organic stuff. (yuck)

Tomorrow, my goal is to walk/run 10 miles.

Wish me luck!!

Lori Ann

Monday, February 17, 2014

hi, my name is

You guys.

I ran on the treadmill today.

For the first time in my life.

I was running a little here and there outside last fall but I had kind of stopped once winter got here.

And I've never really been able to go faster than 3 miles an hour on the treadmill.

But today (for about 1/2 mile) I was running. Like legit running. At 4 miles per hour.  

That's a 15 mile a minute pace. Which, for me, is incredible.

It used to take me close to 30 minutes to walk one mile.

I could totally finish my half marathon in under 4 hours if I can go at that pace.

I think my official marathon plan is going to be to create a 4 hour playlist and alternate fast and slightly slower songs and run during the fast songs and speed walk during the slower songs.

I will probably walk the first mile as a warm up.

I know I've still got a lot of work ahead but it feels nice to have a plan.

39 days to go.

Lori Ann

p.s.- I have decided that, as a reward for completing the half marathon, I will be getting myself brand new sneakers and a nice ipod with an armband thing!

p.p.s.- I hope no one in the gym can read lips. Otherwise they would have seen me singing a lot of "chica, chica, chica slim shady".  I think my half marathon mix is going to be heavy on the eminem and Christina Aguilera. Both of them make me feel like my feet can fly.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

And they worked out a plan

So, not to get too health and fitness crazy here at the Spinster Chronicles but we do need to talk about something serious.

Only 40 days until my half marathon. 

I already have a hotel room. 

It's cost me a total of close to 250 dollars between the hotel and the registration and everything.

There is no backing out now.

It's scaring me a little.
(but all really good goals should scare you a little)

So, I have been going to the gym. Just not that consistently.

And I haven't been walking/running because I LOATHE the treadmill. And there is nowhere to walk outside right now. Everything is covered in ice and snow.

Not a good excuse, I know. 

I did get on the treadmill today for 3 miles. 

But I've got to do a lot more than that. 

A half marathon is 13.1 miles. 

The furthest I've walked in my life up to this point is 7 miles. 

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am going to try and make the next forty days of my life very focused and push myself to achieve this goal.

If I could complete a half marathon (and my only goal is to finish in under 4 hours) I know it would be a huge confidence booster for me. 

So, if this blog goes to a weird fitness-y place, don't be alarmed. 

I'm trying to keep myself motivated and inspired. 

Wish me luck!

Lori Ann

p.s.- I am always looking for good music for my half marathon mix or ideas to keep me motivated if you've got any!!

p.p.s.- I think I'm going to start the marathon with a little "Goodbye Earl"- I feel so inspired listening to it right now. The part where it says "Right away, Mary Ann flew in from Atlanta on a red eye midnight flight, she held Wanda's hand and they worked out a plan" reminds me of my sisters so much:) 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Oh, tell me now

I was looking through my old pictures to try and find a picture of Elly when she was younger. 

Even though I just did a birthday tribute post to her, I wanted to do another one to celebrate her getting baptized tomorrow.
 (Mormons baptize at age 8)

But then I stumbled onto this picture. 

This was me about a year and a half ago. 

Sometimes I feel like I have so much further to go.

 (I'd like to lose another 70 lbs or so) 

But seeing this picture reminds me of how far I've come. 

I signed up for a new gym today. 

A gym with yoga classes and a steam room and a hot tub and lots of weird gym people. 

Hopefully I will be one of them one day. 

Wish me luck!!
People at the gym are going to be so intimidated by me. It's going to be epic!
Lori Ann