Monday, February 17, 2014

hi, my name is

You guys.

I ran on the treadmill today.

For the first time in my life.

I was running a little here and there outside last fall but I had kind of stopped once winter got here.

And I've never really been able to go faster than 3 miles an hour on the treadmill.

But today (for about 1/2 mile) I was running. Like legit running. At 4 miles per hour.  

That's a 15 mile a minute pace. Which, for me, is incredible.

It used to take me close to 30 minutes to walk one mile.

I could totally finish my half marathon in under 4 hours if I can go at that pace.

I think my official marathon plan is going to be to create a 4 hour playlist and alternate fast and slightly slower songs and run during the fast songs and speed walk during the slower songs.

I will probably walk the first mile as a warm up.

I know I've still got a lot of work ahead but it feels nice to have a plan.

39 days to go.

Lori Ann

p.s.- I have decided that, as a reward for completing the half marathon, I will be getting myself brand new sneakers and a nice ipod with an armband thing!

p.p.s.- I hope no one in the gym can read lips. Otherwise they would have seen me singing a lot of "chica, chica, chica slim shady".  I think my half marathon mix is going to be heavy on the eminem and Christina Aguilera. Both of them make me feel like my feet can fly.

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