Random Life Updates- the Tuesday Night (but I wish it was Friday) Edition
Before I begin my usual litany of boring life updates (ok, ok..thrilling life updates) I will begin this random thoughts post by stating 3 random things about myself.
Let's do this dance!
1. I use google just as much as any of my clinical literature for treating my clients. If I had a dime for every time I've typed "How to help someone overcome anxiety, grief, conflict with family, etc, etc....." I would have like 39 dollars. Wikihow is my unpaid research assistant.
2. It makes me angry when I think of the way we here on Earth have treated Pluto. It will always be a planet to me.
3. I don't have any normal lights in my room. Just Christmas lights. (because I'm 13)
Now, on with the excruciating minutiae of my daily life...
I am now on a random assortment of medications. That's right, people. I'm self medicating again. And NOT with pot this time! (I have never self medicated with pot but I hear SO many people say that in my office and you know I like to be edgy)
Therefore, the tone of this blog may change. If I stay on the meds. If it remains the same odd travesty, that's a sure sign I've taken myself off my meds:) Don't worry. I'll keep you updated on my mental health journey. I know it doesn't make you vaguely or even overtly uncomfortable;)
Work has been extra crazy lately. Some of my favorite people are leaving. When people leave a job, it always gives me that end of the school year feeling and it's sad.
My 75 day challenge (to walk/run 300 mile before my half marathon) has been stop and go over the last week. I'm a ...few...miles behind schedule. I might try to get up to Philly this weekend and see if I can walk 10 miles just wandering around the city. (Then I am going to run up the Rocky stairs. And by "run" I mean take a selfie where it seems like I'm running and put it on my instagram and then go and get a cheesesteak from a street vendor)
My parents finally broke down and admitted that they had a fourth child (me) because they knew they would need someone, 30 some years down the road, to make weird Walmart runs for them. I bet it took a weight off their shoulders to finally admit the truth:)
I was at the office for 14 hours yesterday. All the stress and long hours of a high powered job. Just without the power. Or money.
Lori Ann
p.s.- I recognize how boring this post is. But don't forget- I'm on meds now. Things should be getting a little wilder any day now!
p.p.s.- Look what I found on the Internet! Validation!!