Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ok, so...

Ok so,

I've gotten 8 fillings, 2 root canals, 2 extractions, and 2 crown preps over the course of 5 dentist appointments.

 In a 2 week period.

 Note to self: Put down the jolly ranchers
My new red chair has been taken over.

By my (recuperating) father and his little minions.

This is my last week of work at my present job.

 I am thinking that it will be the longest/shortest week of my life.

 It's almost like time slows down once you get close to the end.

I will have an entire week off
 (which will include my birthday!!)

 between jobs.

 Oh yeah...fall crafting, here I come!

 Plus, I was thinking of getting my hair cut like this.

What do you think?

Oh my gosh, I just fell asleep for 10 minutes.

 I guess its lights out for now. 

Lori Ann

Monday, September 17, 2012

A long, rambling political post

I have so many random things to update you on.

Like how I'm making this for all of my coworkers.

I call it the Wheel O' Diagnoses. 

Then there is this.

My fall fun list. 

But what's really been on my mind is this.

The Election

I have been thinking about asking my doctor for anti-anxiety meds to last me through November 6th.

Election year brings out every element of crazy that I have!!

 And even though I know it's not kosher to talk too much about politics on one's blog,

I am going to do it anyway. 

Let's do this dance!

Here is a WAY TOO LONG explanation of my political perspective

I believe that most people's political views are influenced by a combination of: socioeconomic class, gender, race, geographical location, religion, education, job, life experiences, etc. 

All of these different elements combine to write the story of a person's life.

 If my life were a book, it would be a tale of a: strictly raised, blue collar, white, Mormon, college educated girl from the East Coast who grew up to be a social worker/therapist.

I'm a little bit of a dictonomy.

There are elements of the conservative "strictly raised, Mormon, blue collar, white".

There are elements of the liberal- "female, college educated, East Coast, social worker".
(not that college educated people can't be conservative, they just trend towards liberal)

Surprisingly enough (not),

 I am neither completely conservative nor completely liberal. 

I believe in civil unions for any two (or 3 or 4) people who want them

 But not because I'm necessarily in favor of gay marriage.

 But because I know how hard it is to have to have to do everything alone and I think any two (or more) people who want to support each other should have as many legal rights and tax helps as they possibly can get.

I am pro-life.

Not so much because I believe that life begins at conception (though I do) but because I have counselled literally dozens of women who deeply regret their abortions.

Their abortions that were 18 years ago, 7 years ago, 4 years ago.

 One client said "A part of me is still there in that room...
 (where the abortion occurred)

I feel like I'll always be in there, trying to find my way out".

 I cried with her.

I worked with too many illegal immigrants on my mission and in my work to not have sympathy for their plight.

I'm kind of pro DREAM act.

 I know too many kids who were raised as American, who are the most hard working and decent people.

 They deserve an equal chance at an education.

I've worked with too many overwhelmed and depressed single moms to not believe in the absolute need for the traditional family.

 Not just as a social stabilizer, but an economic one too.

I've seen too many kids who desperately need a dad, women who need a partner, and families who need hope.

I've seen the fall out from drug use of a few months, drug use of a few years, and drug use of decades.

I'd vote to keep marijuana illegal.

 I've seen what it can do to people.

I could keep going and going and going...do you see what I mean by crazy?

 I just can't stop thinking about and talking about it because it's so important to me and I feel like whoever is elected has to power to change things for the positive or negative. 

I am not in love with either candidate.

I think they are both good men and amazing fathers.

But; considering all of the factors, all of my life experiences, and considering that writing my mother's name in during the election of 04 didn't get her into office,

 I am going with:


Yes; once again, I am voting based on hotness.

Lori Ann

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You were my best four years

I have been creating weird stuff for my room.

Which I figured you were probably going to demand to see, so I will just go ahead and show it to you.

 I hope you're satisfied:)

This is my philosophy poster I got out of the trash

. I recently began adding my life philosophies to it

. Double click this picture to see them better.

I made this quote for my wall.

 I like it.

It's for all of us ugly stepsisters who don't have a prince charming!
 ( I do not think I am ugly. I know I'm hot. You probably think so too, don't lie to yourself!)

I don't love "Starry Night" for the painting.

 I love it because it reminds me of a song that my dad used to play on repeat track while were sleeping during my childhood.

 The song is called "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell.

 But you have to listen to the live version.

This one is above my bed.

 It reminds me of PA in the fall.

 Sweet, beautiful PA.

I am so happy to be here and I'm so happy it's almost fall! 

I am currently obsessed with the son "Ronan" by Taylor Swift.

She wrote it for the mom of a 4 year old boy who died of cancer.

It's so sad.


 I can't believe it's been 11 years.

 I still can't watch 9/11 footage.

It makes me want to vomit.

There is a line in "Leningrad" by Billy Joel
 (that Storm Front album I was obsessed with a few posts back)

 and in it Billy Joel sings

 "And in that bright October sun, we knew our childhood days were done"
 (referring to the Cuban missile crisis)

 I felt the same way on Sept. 11, 2001.

 It felt like my childhood ended on that day.

 I pray my nieces and nephews never see a day like that in their lifetime.

God bless America.

Lori Ann

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm falling to pieces

Ok, so..another random update.


My dad's minions.

Isn't it nice that I now have 3 cats lives to blog about, instead of 1?

 I just thought this was cute because my dad is recovering from surgery and he spends most of the day in this recliner.
(where they sit with him)

 When he goes to bed at night, they sleep in the recliner and wait for him to come back down..so sweet:)

Speaking of sleeping..I have been sleeping in my office.

 Yes, unprofessional, I know.

 But I have got a billion things to get done and no time to do them.

 It's not every night, but at least once a week, I am crashing there.

 Nothing like finishing mental health assessments at 1 am!

So, late nights at the office lead me to serene mornings sitting by the fountain in Delaware at sunrise.
 (my favorite fountain).

 Except last time I kind of fell asleep.

 And will probably be cited for loitering if I go back!
(On a more positive note, my street cred in Delaware is through the roof!)

One of my sweet clients gave me this bear
(AND crucifix).

I named him Marco
 (after Marco Rubio).

 I think it freaks my clients out when I pull him out of my desk drawer and introduce him as my new boyfriend. :)

I don't understand why Thomas's eyes are always glowing green??

Yesterday; when I was driving home, it started to get really overcast.

 Like  "is that a tornado?" overcast.

I got on the northeast extension of the turnpike and drove into this...

I wish this picture did it justice.

 It was super creepy.

I kept repeating anxiety reducing mantras to myself.


 "It probably doesn't hurt to be killed by a tornado, stop whining". 

I made this cake today.

 It's a black bottomed cupcake recipe that I made into a cake.

 Because I was too  lazy to do individual cupcakes.

 I think that is how every great treat is born.

 Out of laziness and a desire for chocolate.

I got this picture done at Staples ages of and today added the lettering.

 It's going in my room :)

A strange chicken pot pie I made today.

Chicken pot pie always reminds me of The Breakfast club.

 "No, dad..what about you?" 

Smoke it up, Johnny.

Lori Ann

Monday, September 3, 2012

The winters cannot fade her

And yet MORE random thoughts!

I think I have recently come to a completely new level of maturity.

 I am no longer emotionally invested in who wins Project Runway.
(but if it's not Gunner, I am going to freak!)

I got 13 of the 15 items on my to do list done this weekend.

 Strangely, both items left on the list were related to cleaning the bathrooms.

Weird how that happened.

I kind of want to replace my laptop with an Ipad.

 Ipad users..is it worth it?

 I would want to be able to do all my Internet stuff, read on it, and write my great American novel too. 
Today, I got to live one of my long held dreams

. I got to drive with my dad in the backseat while I controlled the radio!!

 He ranted and raved while I played Lady Gaga.

 It was magical!

 I'm sure that next week I will be in the back seat,

 listening to the smooth sounds of jazz radio, while my dad lectures me on something like the stock

market or the bombers of WW II or proper vacuum cleaner maintenance.
(all topics he's lectured me on)

I need to finish reading Moby Dick.

 It's slowing down my progress on the greatest books of all time list.

 Damn you, Melville and your whaling encyclopedia masquerading as a novel!

Speaking of smug liberals, I finally switched my voter registration from NC to PA.

Let's do this dance!

 I can't wait to vote!
(File this under "Things I say that remind me I am an adult on the downhill slide to middle age")

I am now obsessed with the song "Little Green" by Joni Mitchell.

 It's about the baby she gave up for adoption.

 I wonder what song my famous mother wrote about me when she had to give me up?

 Maybe we'll never know..
(but my guess is "Shooting Star" by Madonna)

My big plans for this blog are still getting underway.

Brace yourselves. :)

Lori Ann

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Five minutes in and I'm bored again

Sunday Night Random Thoughts

I keep thinking that if I change my blog header enough it will inspire me to be a more consistent blogger.

Hmm..we'll see if it works this time!

One of my clients told me that I "outflanked" him the other day.
 (as in outmaneuvered)

 Dang, my therapist slash Jedi skills are really starting to work!

The other day my dad banged on the downstairs ceiling underneath my room to wake me up.

My first thought was seriously "Wait, it's not time for seminary already, is it?".

 I only hope that this regression in my mental and emotional age will also cause me to look 17 again! (Although not with the same hair..good Lord, the 90's were not good to me, style wise)

I got done exactly 2 things on my list of 15 things to get done this weekend.

 I guess that leaves 13 things for tomorrow. 

Is anyone else now obsessed with that song "Some Nights" by Fun?

Because yeah, I'm obsessed. 

I have 4 dentist appointments in the next 2 weeks.

 The dentist looked at my teeth and said "Let's get you in here twice a week for the next few weeks".

Good thing that I love the high pitched squealing of the drill.

 Otherwise this whole situation would totally bite. 

I also got my eyes checked.

I figured that since I've been paying for insurance since last year, I might as well use it before leaving this job.

 Anyway, the eye doctor's appointment led to this..

 New frames! I went in a weird direction with these.

Wish me luck.

My eyes being dilated.

If you've never had this done, it's awesome.

You get all the suspicion of being high without any of the awesome buzz. 

In sad news, I am back on the sauce.

 AKA the diet coke.

My mom keeps ranting about me being diabetic and drinking regular coke.

 I haven 't had diet coke since 9/1/08.

 However, a few months after giving up my 20 year DC addiction,

 I began a four year addiction to regular coke.

 So..back on the DC it is...

. Because apparently meat is easier to give up than soda.

Did I tell you that Junior and I went on a non romantic date to the Red Lobster?

 Apparently it's been on his bucket list for some time to go there.

 I guess that's kind of who I am.

 I make people's dreams come true. 

Dang, when did this blog suddenly get so inspiring? 

It must be the new header!!

Lori Ann

Thursday, August 30, 2012

When I see stars

Ok, so I have gotten more interested in politics as I have gotten older.

 I think that's probably the case with most people. 

Something about looking at your pay stub and seeing hundreds of dollars sent here and there makes you think...

"Wait..who decided I needed to pay for this?" 

Anyway, I decided to watch the RNC tonight
 (Republican National Convention)

 because I am fairly conservative
 (with a few exceptions)

 and I just felt like being lulled into a false sense of security by "mom, American, apple pie" campaign rhetoric.

Then it happened. 

Or I should say HE happened.

Watching Marco Rubio speak, I felt the same as when I watch the last scene with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing.

 He was hot and his words inspired me.

 I keep fanning myself with my notebook.

 I think my parents must think I've gone mad.

Anyway, here's to us Republicans finally being the hotter party.

Win or lose, we can comfort ourselves with that on election day!!

Lori Ann Rubio