Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween..because I couldn't think of a more original title

How I spent Halloween

By L. Ann Hinsdale

Yes, my pumpkin says LOL..I didn't plan it that way but apparently carving is not my forte and I lost two E's, changing my LOLEE pumpkin into a disturbing tribute to online acronyms.

So..another Halloween night has passed.

 I spent it in much the same manner that I imagine my mother
and grandmother and great grandmother before me did...

eating the trick or treat candy and watching Matt Damon movies:)

Lori Ann


  1. Matt Damon movies have been around for generations. I think that's what they did at the very first Relief Society meeting.

    PS-Where do you get your cool fonts and what-nots?

  2. Matt Damon movies are a legacy that I hope to pass down for generations to come:) Changing my post title fonts and sidebar title fonts was the most complicated process! Its all on Cutest blog on the block, under free blog secrets! :)

  3. I will have to check that out, so cool! Thanks!
