Friday, November 12, 2010

Remember this Moment

I graduated high school some mid June day, in 1998.

Now, some mid November day, 12 years later, I have achieved my highest educational aspirations.

Today, I received my Clinical Social Work License.

It took me four years of undergrad, two years of grad school, two years of internship, and two years of clinical practice and supervision.

 Plus one killer state exam.

But, I am here, at last.

I am now making 5,000 dollars more per year than the highest I ever aspired to make. 

I am the only bi-lingual therapist in at least three counties.

I am now technically part of management. 

For the longest time, I feel like I have been trudging forward, with my head down, just trying to reach some distant goal.

For the first time in over a decade I feel like the future is a blank page.

Wish me luck. 

Lori Ann, LCSW 


  1. Good luck!!! Although I don't think you need it. You're getting by on your hard work, dedication, intelligence, intuition, wit, and good looks. I don't think that luck has played a big part in your success. I am really, really proud of you. You've accomplished something that I would never have the dedication to do. I think you're pretty rad.

  2. Congrats on being officially "there." It's a weird feeling, but I was very satisfied. That's why I made new goals. My goals were of travels and trying to attend 50 different temples. I made it to 32 before I got married and the trips ended...

    Also, Jeremy graduated from High School some June day in 1998 too!

  3. That's awesome, congratulations!!!!

  4. Congratulations!! I think you are great. And we miss you over here!
