Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm am slowly going crazy

Quotes from today:

"There have been so many broken promises today"- little Jack to his mom, after we didn't get to bake as planned

As Junior(Dave) and I leave the Deathly Hallows:

Dave: "so, who was that weird looking guy at the end, who took Dumbledore's wand?"


Me "that was Voldemort"

Dave: "Oh, he's still alive? I thought he was killed in the second movie"


Me: "Ummm...no, he's still alive"

Elly, flying her stuffed bat "Buddy" around the room:

"Aunt Lori, Buddy doesn't ever have to pee OR poop"

Me:  "and why is that Elly?"

Elly: "Because Heavenly Father made him that way"

(let me clarify that I did not inquire as to the elimination needs of Buddy the bat, but Elly likes to keep me informed about things of this nature. I cannot imagine why.)

"I see fear. This is to be expected".

(Danielle, when talking to Jack about her plans to cook everything for Thanksgiving dinner!)

Today was also a banner day for me in my Walmart shopping career.

 I was at Walmart at 8am, buying 5 umbrellas (on a clear and sunny day), 2 pez dispensers, coke, and a pregnancy test.

 With my nieces and nephews accompanying me.
 (You haven't truly lived until you've brought the 8 and under set through the prophylactic aisle!) 

I left my usb cord at home, so you'll all have to wait for pictures.

Try not to let the disappointment ruin your holiday!

Lori Ann


  1. Those are definitely quotable quotes!

    Voldermort died int he second movie?!?! Is this guy living under a rock!?!

  2. I suppose Tom Riddle did die in the second movie but I guess that would have the last one he ever saw if he thinks that Voldemort is dead. They were all too funny except for Little Jack. Broken promises?! What did you do to my cousin?

  3. Um, why were you buying a pregnancy test?

  4. The test was for Danielle. Every couple of months she gets freaked out and takes a pregnancy test. I keep telling her to stick to the only 100% method of birth control..abistinance..

    Junior is my brother. He kind of follows Harry Potter, I think so that he can feel more at home amongst us Harry Potter fanatics. He just doesn't really follow the story line though:)

  5. Also, I am enraged that the comment section doesnt have a spell check..my inability to spell 'abstinance' has been revealed!
