Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dixie Land


I've got 50 days left in the South. 

While I am INTENSELY excited to leave, there are a few things I need to accomplish before I do. 

1. Get a picture with the Confederate Solider statute

2. Try Short Sugars Barbecue. 

3. Make fried green tomatoes

4. Tell someone "As God as my witness, I shall never go hungry again"

5. Get a picture of "Pettigrew" road. I drive by it like 10 times a day, and it always makes me frown. 

6. And last; but not least...take the midnight train to Georgia. 

That one's been on my Life Ambition List forever, and I WILL NOT leave the South without accomplishing it..I'm going to look up train times right now...

Lori Ann


  1. I'll take the midnight train to Georgia with you! I really want to go there!

  2. Lor -
    Just so you know there are actually TWO Short Sugars in Reidsville. There is the big white one on Scales St that you probably think of as "the" Short Sugars, but there is another in the down town section not too far from the confederate statue. I wasn't overly impressed with either of them, don't get me wrong they aren't bad, but nothing too special.

  3. Ok, so I'm embarrassed to admit this...but what is the significance with the Pettigrew road? Is it in reference to something historical or cultural...or is this a section of town that makes you frown?? I feel so lost! It's just like yesterday when my sister told me on FB that I was a "DIME". What does that mean?!?

  4. I wish it were a hip cultural reference! It is sadly a Harry potter reference. I despise Peter pettigrew:) so sad, right? That I harbor anger towards fictional characters!

  5. Jessica Willis, If you watched the trasy reality shows that your sisters and I share you would know a "dime" means you're hott!!! Lori Ann, I can't wait for you to take the midnight train to Georgia..DO WORK SON!! XOXO ERIN
