Thursday, February 7, 2013

I know her face by heart

To my dear niece Elizabeth Mae, on the occasion of your 7th birthday.

(or "Elly" if you are old school)

 7 years have come and gone like they were a dream.

You went from being our red headed baby to our crazy Ellie girl.

It's hard to believe that you have grown up so quickly.

You are an incredible 7 year old.

You are brave.
 Any girl who can dance on a subway packed with people and teach herself to ice skate in one day has to be absolutely fearless.

You are strong.
You forgive easily and are never afraid to show others love.

 You are not afraid to try new things or learn new ideas.

 You try harder than anyone I've ever met.  

You are beautiful.
From your sparkling blue eyes to your always moving feet, you are a true one of a kind beauty of the Steel Magnolia variety.
 (you were born in the south, after all)

There aren't enough words for me to say.

 I want to you to know that are you

  smart, unique, lovable, fierce, hard working, friendly, kind, driven, fabulous

and a million other things as well.

If I started writing, I might never stop.

You are everything, Ellie.

Everything sweet and sparkly in the whole world and I could not imagine my life without you.

Thanks for being the most amazing niece ever!!

Love always,

Aunt Lori

Our Ellie Belly at age 3!

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