Thursday, August 16, 2012

Random Thoughts- Meat is not the answer Edition

Shannon Tyler convinced me to make this blog public again. 
  (This is how we got converts on the mission!)
The things I do for my favorite former companion. 
(Consider this your payback for all of the times I whined and shrieked "Tracting again? Nooooo!")


I really should be in bed. 

I have to testify in court in Delaware in 8 1/2 hours. 

Also, I need to confess that today I ate a cheeseburger.

The stress of life has been getting to me and,,,,like so many before me,  I thought I would find  my answer in meat. 

Boy, was I wrong. 

The (Wendy's) burger was just as gross as I remember. 

It's looking like I may not ever come back to meat.
(except maybe steak on Christmas Eve, made by my dad)

Being vegetarian has completely broken my fast food addiction.

 It's all so gross to me now.

 Even the french fries. 

If someone (a man) tells you that they would be "too sassy" for the military, is it ok to call them out on their sexual orientation?

This is what I got when I googled "sassy military men"!!!
Speaking of gay men, I am still dreaming about the synchronized diving team. 

It's my dad's birthday today.
(or it was about 30 minutes ago)

 He is 62.

His birthday tribute will be like all of the others...late.

OK, so I will write tomorrow.

 Unless they lock me up.

Because I am 99% sure that I am going to yell "You can't handle the truth!" at the judge.
(and I bet they have a zero tolerance policy for that by this time!)

Lori Ann


  1. Thank you!!!for keeping your blog public. You can't imagine my devastation when I went to check in on your life and discovered I was denied access. I adore your writing and root for your success and happiness. You will overcome all and arrive on top of all you desire. (sounds like a fortune cookie which you know always come true) please keep up your writing. You are the heroine of this story and we are all reading with suspense. Ps. I'm not a random stalker. I'm a friend of shannons

  2. I am honored beyond words! And sorry that I had to stoop to such low levels of manipulation to convince you to remain in the spot light. Actually, I'm not sorry. Love you!

  3. I love your blog I'm glad you're back!!!!
