Sunday, August 26, 2012

We will find our way home

Ok, so I am kinda bored with the

"I'm living at home, look how strange my life is"


 But it's not going to stop me from writing another one!!

 But before we get to the exciting pictures with their snappy captions, let me say this.

 I've got plans for this blog.

Crazy plans

The blogging world has been crying out for a single/living at home/non skinny jean wearing/ no crafting type voice.

 I give myself 2-3 weeks to be on nienie level fame.

 As always, brace yourselves!!

 Anyway, on with the post..

I have been reunited with my devil cat.

She's as sassy as ever

. But with less frisky adorableness and more megalomania now.

Don't ask

. Do. Not. Ask.

We got my mom some new scrubs to go with her fancy new(ish) job.

 Nothing like an exciting Saturday night in the uniform store.

Score one for my mom in the Cat War of 2012.

Thomas has yet to respond to my bribes.

I'm keeping a copy of this for the trial. 

Lori Ann

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