Monday, December 3, 2012

Dreidel, dreidel, Dreidel..I made you out of clay

Ok, so here is what


for it to feel like Christmas this year.

Let's do this thing!

1. See a choir concert

Preferably a super politically correct one with song nods to every major faith from Judaism to Kwanzaa.

Ahhh yes... nothing make it feel more like Christmas then hearing a beautiful 3 part harmony of  "Chanukah Oh Chanukah".

2. A white elephant gift exchange

 I might get the kids involved in this.

Give them 5 dollars and tell them to get anything that strikes their fancy.

 But this year, let's be fireworks or moonshine.

I shouldn't even have to clarify but no one wants to have to bail out Katy again. 

3. Watch A Christmas Story

At least once and not more than 30 times.

 I feel compelled to watch it as it has many eerie similarities to my own life.

And I am obsessed with the idea of having my own "crummy little toady".

4. Go caroling

This is such a lost art.

People are so suspicious and unwilling to open their doors to their neighbors.

 Which is why we've devised a sort of trick or treat scenario.

Open your door and get a wonderful, heart warming Christmas carol from your neighbors and friends.

 Don't open your door and TRICK.. you get your front door egged.

Or 'Scrooge' written across your front windows in lipstick.

 Or your holiday decorations will be taken and swapped out from some discount Mexican themed "Day of the Dead' decorations we got on sale at Big Lots.

 So, your choice, really.

A million other things

Cookie baking

 making a Star Wars themed ginger bread house

 staying up to midnight on Christmas Eve

having my dad's famous steak and shrimp on Christmas Eve

wearing my pajamas all of Christmas Day

 sending Erin our annual dollar store Christmas package exchange

 and  many more magical things!!!

Lori Ann

p.s.- Don't think I've forgotten Festivus.

 This year I am really going to celebrate it right

. I just have to find a metal pole..

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