Friday, January 3, 2014


Ok, people.

It's January 3rd. This should be my Resolutions post but I can't get started on those until after my pizza and Twilight party at Michele's. 
Anyway, so we're going to do something incredibly rare here at the Spinster Chronicles.

 A random thoughts post.

Let's do this dance!

It's a snow day at work today. It almost brought tears to my eyes when I saw on the website that we were closed. Then I literally starting hearing the Ode to Joy in my head. I'm going sledding with my nieces and nephews in about 30 minutes.

Speaking of nieces, yesterday Katy said the two following things to me:

"Don't make me angry or I will start to make weird noises"


" I'm not beautiful. I am a cat".

She then informed me that her ears were getting more pointy and she had begun her transition into literally becoming a cat. 

Youngest children...what can you say?

Christmas was legit. Legit crazy. This Christmas veered from the norm in that we interacted with our extended family. Yes, faithful readers- I have extended family. Like 40 cousins on my mom's side. Literally, 40 something I think. My mom is the oldest of 9.
More of the cousins, aunts, uncles, and my grandmother
We normally don't spend that much time together because our moms (my mom and her 4 younger sisters) don't hang out with each other. 

But it was festive to see them. I don't know if I'll ever have anything more than a very casual relationship with them. But I'm ok with that.
Just 8 of the 40 something. We range in age from 37 to 8.

In other random news, I have almost completely fallen off the wagon with my health and fitness goals. And I've got that half marathon coming up. It's time to get back on track. Luckily I haven't gained any weight, I just haven't lost weight in like 6 weeks.

If the park gets cleared today, my goal is to go and walk 10 miles tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

Ok, so I will be back to updating on a close to daily basis soon.

There is a lot to discuss.

My upcoming psychiatric evaluation.

My contentious relationship with my trainer.

My strange, strange hair cut.

My internal debate about going vegetarian again.

Mid term election mania.

It's going to be a wild and crazy 2014.

Lori Ann


  1. Love the changes to the's to the last hoorah of 2013 (extended into 2014)....a house full of girls....LOL....god help the neighbors.....can't wait.
