Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You performed the Patronus charm, in the presence of a muggle

I've spent way too much time gossiping with my clients today. 

While enjoyable, I'm not sure how beneficial it is, from a therapeutic standpoint. 

I wish someone would just pay me to be friends with people. 

That would be sweet. 

My two older sisters are getting together for a nice vacay this weekend.

I hope they talk about me and what I need to do with my life.

I look forward to their observations and advice. 

Lori Ann

p.s.- If you tell anyone else, I will deny it but guess what???? I've started listening to Justin Beiber!  

p.p.s.- I feel like Harry Potter at the beginning of Order of the Phoenix, but instead of coming to snap my wand in two, someone is going to come and take my membership card to the "I am an adult" club. 

Baby, baby, baby NO!


  1. Ok, for the sake of my opinion of your impeccable pop culture taste, I am going to pretend I didn't read that Justin Beiber confession.
    Now, we have things to discuss.
    It came to my attention yesterday that they are making ANOTHER Jane Eyre movie. Maybe you knew this already. I have viewed the preview and I think it is a slap in the face to the most recent BBC version. It cannot, and will not, be topped. Ever. Plus the new Jane buggs. She bugged in Alice in Wonderland as well.
    I just watched the wedding episode of Glee last night. Mixed feelings. I LOVE how they make Sue sympathetic, but yet still Sue. The bit where she allowed Kirk to pick the name "Porcelain" had me dying. I love her. I did not love the wedding to herself though. I just didn't get it. Was it supposed to be funny or creepy?
    The Asian boy's dancing is really starting to get on my nerves. I loved the tribute to Kirk- I did not love the cheesy smile he had on his face while Finn was singing to him. And why was Finn singing a song to Kirk which called him "Lady"? Couldn't they have changed the line?
    Ok, enough obsessing on my end, I must go pick up Luke from school!

  2. I KNOW!!! I kind of skip the wedding episode when I am rewatching and obsessing over Glee. Sue is funny, but I think that sometimes they push it in the wrong direction. I like what her profile said on the dating site she joined.

    Oh, there is a lot of Mike Chang dancing coming up in future episodes. Brace yourself for that. I agree with a lot of the critics who say that this season is very erratic and and has lost a lot of the charm of the first season.

    Next episode here is called "Sexy" and has Holly Holiday teaching sex ed. Should be interesting!!
