All the ingredients you need for the BEST. DINNER. EVER.
First step: Add the butter
Next Step: Add the Mayo
Third Step: Parmesan Cheese, baby!
Last Step: Hot sauce!!!
Finally...Enjoy. This is what I would request if it were my last meal on Death Row. Well, this and a variety of things cooked by my dad.
It just got real in here.
Lori Ann
I haven't been reading blogs for a few days. You crack me up. You can't say you aren't an entertainer. I have NEVER been more entertained that when I as hanging out with you. Although, I do know what you meant. And, i have blonde haired/blue eyed babies...they are the cutest right? Although, they do create some social disconnect because I am so obsessed that I just can't shut up about them. :) I am a big fan of you embracing the awkward and living your life. I toast to everyone trying that!