Monday, July 29, 2013

You're yes then you're no

My mind is not as stable as I like to see it lately.

My thoughts are kind of all over the place.

But I think it's in a good way.

I have days when I feel like I should be one of those people who gets up at 4:30, works out for 2 hours, goes to work, then stays up late reading classic literature, only to do it again the next day.

Then on other days I think "This is the perfect life for me. Working, coming home and watching the news for two hours (I LOVE the news) and having a semi healthy dinner, then reading trashy novels and going to bed early"

This mental instability has been pushing me in weird directions.

For example:

I walked home from church yesterday. Almost 3 miles. Under the threat of rain. Because that's what motivated, go getting type people do. Plus, free cardio on a Sunday, right?

Then I took a 4 hour nap.

Yesterday I was eating mambas and drinking ginger ale straight from a two liter.

Today I am starting a week of protein shakes only fasting.

It's back and forth.

Some weeks I go to the gym 5 times.

Some weeks I only go once.

I lack the ability to regulate my life. I tend to go from one extreme to the other.

But sometimes I think that's not a bad thing.

I don't know.

Lori Ann

*now I am obsessively looking up bikes. I just really want a bike. I wish we had bikes lanes like Europe. And hot guys with accents*

1 comment:

  1. A long walk and then a 4 hour nap? You're living the dream!!
    Well done on your exercise regime by the way! You're looking good, and sounds like you're feeling pretty good too :)
