Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Like the colors in autumn

My new computer sign in at work is


Doesn't that sound like some kind of mythic beast?

"Oh no, beware the rabid Hinslor! It devoured an entire village last month!"

Completely epic. 

I am really, really, really liking my new job.

I have a recliner for my clients to sit in!
 (and by "clients", I mean me)

Anyway, I will fill you in on all the amazing details this weekend.

Try to not let the suspense kill you or anything:)

Also this weekend, or hopefully before, my tribute to the first man I ever fell in love with.

He turned ten yesterday.

I get the nostalgia now.

I get why mothers say "My baby is growing so fast!"

It really just FLIES by.

Where did my beautiful baby nephew go?

 Who is this crazy smart, well read, handsome young man I see at my sister's house?

Where did the time go?

Lori Ann

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