Saturday, April 5, 2014


Random Saturday Early Evening Thoughts

I have decided to do another half marathon.

It took less than a week for my brain to erase the painful memories of my 1st.

 It won't be until August 24th though.

 That gives me 4 months to train.

 I want to complete it at a 15-16 minute mile pace.
(unless it rains. I will never race in the rain again!)

My mom says I am like a reformed prostitute.

Because I keep trying to get people to do 5ks and races with me. 

I just don't ever want to be as out of shape as I used to be.

 I want to ALWAYS be working towards something.

 I need external motivators because I don't have internal discipline. 

General Conference has been amazing today.

 I feel like every single talk was written for me.

 Especially Elder Holland's.

 It's so true that most people want a comfortable God.

There are days when I want an absent, do whatever you want, everything is ok kind of God.

 But that is not God.

 And He has laws and expectations and the path to Him is not an easy one.

I walked 5 miles today.

My goal mileage for this week is 33.

 Wish me luck!

I went to a conference on Motivational Interviewing.

 It was kind of muddled.

I left with a headache.

 It's a subtle but powerful form of therapeutic practice.

The whole idea is that people are motivated by what they hear themselves say more than what you say to them.

 MI teaches you how to elicit change talk from people. 

I haven't been to the gym in like 2 weeks.

 Mainly because I've been exercising outside.

 But I need to get back on my strength training circuit.

I need to work on my whole body if I want to be at my goal weight by this time next year.  

Race people are so positive.

When I was in the half marathon so many people were encouraging.

 The volunteers and even other runners.

 I was working towards mile 9 and other people were on the other side, going towards mile 11 and they were high fiving me and saying "you go, girl!".

 It made me feel confident that I could do anything. 

I know this post is a little all over the place, weirdly race obsessed and oddly positive.

 I just always feel so inspired after I walk and after General Conference.

 I feel like life is an amazing thing and I want to do so much. 

Hang in there.

 Angry, cynical Lori will be back soon :) 

Lori Ann

p.s.- The memory that I always want to remember from today is of Elly, riding her bike against the wind, wearing several layers of clothing, with her new freckles and her wild blond hair. 

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