Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never Grow Up

I know you all love my videos.

What could be more delightful than whiling away 2 or 3 minutes watching home videos of others people's children? 

Trust me when I say that you don't want to miss this one.

 It features all the clothes my sister lets her children wear.

Three words.

 Blue. woven. poncho.
**hit the full screen button- its a much better picture**

Lori Ann


  1. I love watching your videos! You always pick out such perfect music! Your last post with the quotes cracked me up! I love Dave Jr! By the way, I'm not sure if I ever heard your take on the Harry Potter movie. Did you like it?

  2. Lor! I lOVED LOVED this video! it was so cute!!!!!!!! Your definitly the better Aunt. I'm glad the kids have you in their lives. Love, Eri

  3. Lor
    You do make the best movies; seriously! I watch your movies and you really manage to capture the kids personalities. I loved it.
