Sunday, June 23, 2013

We both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter

I've been sick all weekend.

And by sick, I mean your average cold. Not sick enough to justify taking the next few days off of work, but sick enough to feel blah, skip church, and spend too much time lazing around. 

I've only gotten one thing on my weekend to do list done.

 I haven't worked out in 3 days. 

And I upchucked some tator tots today. 

So, all in all, it's been a festive few days for me. 

I'm putting this on my blog because I suspect that many of you think of my life as some kind of fairytale. I know you are used to seeing pictures of me, walking in fields of daisies or hearing about the latest proposal I turned down from a wealthy, emotionally needy Italian man.

But I'm just like you. I'm human, people. I can't live on the pedestal you've placed me on, ok? 

ha ha ha

Lori Ann


  1. Hi Lori! I am posting a comment on your blog!

  2. Yes!! I love it! Your comment is sure to be the first in a veritable tsunami of comments from others. Thanks for getting this started!!
