Random Life updates on a weird feeling Thursday afternoon
I visited my dad in the hospital this morning before work. He had both knees replaced on Tuesday morning. It was so strange. I've seen him in pain before but nothing like this. I have always thought of him as the strongest man in the whole world. I don't like to see him like this.
I have fallen OFF the wagon again. My feet hurt after five mile Monday and I haven't been walking or to the gym since.
The difference between this time off the wagon and the last is that I am not going to stay off for a whole month. I've got to get back on. (Right after I finish these cookies...)
Today was our staff picnic. There was an outpatient and psychiatric table but there wasn't an empty seat. So, I was stuck out in the middle of nowhere with people from the Recovery center. (Drug and Alcohol) I felt like I was sitting with a rival gang.
Today, some of the girls at work snuck a picture of George Clooney in the file of my first client. The back story to this is long, so I'll spare you. But let's just say it involves Rand Paul and a 5 hour psychiatric evaluation:)
Lori Ann
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